Chapter 22: Challenge?

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Normal POV

  The guild partied all night long. Only Lucy, Natsu, Mirajane, Erza, Gray, Levy, Wendy, Gajeel, Charles, Happy, Pantherlily, and Juvia weren't drunk. The other members is either sleeping on the tables, chairs, or floor. Lucy just sweatdropped.

  ' They never change, do they?' Lucy thought. She looked at her wrist watch to see that it was already 2 am. She excused herself and went home to get some sleep.

  Sapphira volunteered to stay behind to help Mira, Wendy and Charles to clean up and wake the guild members.

  So she was all alone. The street was dark and was only lighted by street lights. There was no one at the streets so it was really quite. And it was unknown to her that she was being followed.

  Not long enough, she reached her apartment. She was about to reach for her apartment's door, but someone hugged her from behind which shocked her.

  Lucy struggled to break free from her captor but he was to strong. Panic was rushing through her spine.

  "It's me." Her captor said.

  After hearing his voice, she relaxed. She glance a little to see that he has pink hair. Natsu.

  Natsu released her from his grip. Lucy turned around with a confused face. Natsu just grinned at her.

  "Just came here to say that I missed you, and goodnight." Natsu said.

  Before Lucy was able to process what he said, Natsu kissed her on the forehead.

  "Sweet dreans, Luce." he said with a visible blush then run off.

  Lucy just can't help but blush and smile. 'He's to sweet' she thought.

  After that, she opened the door and entered her apartment. She took a quick shower, got dressed then sleep with a smile on her face.

-Next Day-
Lucy's POV

  I woke up due to my alarm clock's noise. I checked the time and it was already 7:00 am. I forced myself up and took a quick shower. And got dressed.

  I was wearing Pink blouse, shorts and boots. I attached my keys and whip at my belt. I fixed my hair to a high ponytail and went to the guild.

  The guild was not as messy as yesterday but not as clean as it used to be. There was still a few members who was still sleeping. I sweatdropped.

  I went to the bar to talk to Mira, Wendy, Levy, Sapphira and Charles.

  "Morning girls." I greeted them.

  "Morning Lu-chan/Lucy-san/Lucy" they said.

  I smiled at them and sat beside Levy. She was talking to Sapphira. And it seems like they get along really well. Sapphira loves books so its not a suprise.

  "Lu-chan, you haven't told us why you have an exceed" Levy asked.

  I panicked a bit but I realized that they already know that i'm a dragon slayer.

  "Well, we found her injured near the river bank. We healed her and took care of her. She begged to come with us, so we agreed." I lied, I just hope she buys it.

  "Ok, but i'm really confused. What type of dragon slayer are you?" Mira asked this time.

  "Yeah, i'm really curious too" A familiar voice spoke.

  We turned around to see Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Gajeel. Natsu was the one who spoke.

  I really tensed. What will I tell them? I can't tell them the whole truth because they might get involved. Ugh, this is so hard for me.

  "I use all types of Dragon Slaying magic." I said.

  "HOW?!" they asked shocked.

  "I'm really a Celestial Dragon Slayer." I said.

  "But that doesn't explain it." Erza said.

  "The Celestial Dragon is the Queen of the Dragons. She is the most powerful dragon there is. The dragons really respect her for that. Because she is the Queen of the Dragons, she can use all types of Dragon magic." I lied.

  "WAIT, WHAT? She's more powerful than Igneel?" Natsu asked in disbelief.

  I nodded then he pouted. 'He's really cute when he does that' I thought.

  "So, that means that Lu-Chan is the Princess of the Dragons?" Levy asked.

  'Levy if you only knew' I thought

  "What! Luce is that true?" Natsu asked shocked.

  I just shrugged.

  "But, how did you became a dragon slayer?" Gajeel asked out of the blue.

  "Like a normal Dragon Slayer's. I was raised by a dragon." I said with a sarcastic tone.

  "Wait, I thought that you were raised by Layla and Jude?" Gray asked.

  "Well. My Dragon, Stellaine, raised me but she needed to leave on 7/7/777. She knows that i'll be in too much pain so she put a memory replacing spell to make me think that I was raised by real humans. Jude and Layla was Stellaine's human friends. She trusted me to them and acted like my real parents." I lied again.

  I just hope that after all these, they woulf still forgive me.

  "Well, that explains it." Natsu said.

  "Stellaine or should I say the Queen of the Dragons, raised you. And because of your dragons position, you were able to learn every type of Dragon slaying magic. So that only means that you're stronger than me, Natsu, Wendy, Laxus, Sting, Rogue and Cobra. Am I right?" Gajeel asked.

  "I'm not sure about the last part." I stated.

  "But how come we can't feel your magic presence?" Erza asked.

  "Because if this" I showed them the necklace i'm wearing.

  "This necklace is a magic item. It hides all my magic power." I said. I removed my necklace and a very large amount of magic power can be felt in my body. I quickly wore my necklace back.

  The magic presence was so strong that we caught every guild member's attention. There eyes widened and jaws dropped.

  "That's a very large amount of power." Mira stated.

  "Yes, I needed to wear this necklace so I can't attract to attention." I said.

  "That's it. I can't take it anymore. Luce, I want to see your powers so fight me." Natsu said with determination.


Oh no!

Natsu is challenging Lucy to a fight. Will Lucy accept or will she decline?

Please follow me, read, comment and vote..

Love lots,


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