Chapter 37: Confession

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Lucy's POV

  I slowly opened my eyes, revealing my chocolate orbs. I blinked many times, adjusting my sight. I looked around and saw that I was in a room, the infirmary of the guild. Suddenly the door opened, a pink-haired guy entered. Natsu. He has bags under his eyes and he looks really tired. He looked at me with wide eyes. He quickly ran to my side.

  "Oh My God, Luce your awake." Natsu exclaimed while pulling me to a hug. I just hugged him back.

  "Thank God. Luce you don't know how scared I was. Please. Please promise me that you won't ever leave my side."  Natsu whispered to my ear.

  "I promise" I whispered back.

  After like forever, he let go me.

  "So, how long was I passed out?" I asked.

  "2 weeks." he said.

  "Ok, Wait. WHAT?! 2 WEEKS?!" I shouted.

  "Don't shout, Luce. You just awoke from a coma." Natsu warned.

  I just sighed and nodded.

  Suddenly, the door opened. Revealing Wendy, Gray, Erza, Mira, Levy, Charles, Happy and Sapphira.

  "Geez, Natsu. What's with the shouting?" Erza asked.

  "Yeah, Flamebra-" Gray said stopping mid sentence. His eyes widened, so did the others.

  "LUCY?!" They shouted.

  "Geez, Don't need to shout". I said.

  They ran towards me hugging me like theres no tomorrow.

  Sapphira was sobbing next to me.

  "Lucy, i'm sorry. I was at the Dragon Realm with Stella so I wasn't able to come with you." Sapphira said while sobbing. I just smiled at her and said it was alright.

  We started to talk and they told me that when they saw me and Natsu lifeless, they hurriedly took us to the guild to be healed. Wendy with the help of Grandeeney healed us. Natsu woke up after 4 days. Since then, he was the one who watched over me. Well, that's explains how tired he looks.

  After half a day if resting, they finally let me go home. When I got to my apartment, I took a warm bath got dressed on my pajamas and went to bed.

~Timeskip~ 3 months later

  Today is the Rainbow Sakura Festival. And i'm so excited. I was dying to attend because I was sick last year. I was getting ready, suddenly a letter caught my attention. It was place at my study table.

  I tooked the letter and read it:
Dear Luce,
  Please meet me at the biggest Rainbow sakura tree at 7 pm. Don't bring anyone else. I want to tell you something important.
See yah later..


  I can't help but blush. What does he need to tell me. Luckily Sapphira's staying at Wendy's place for a week. I just sighed.

~Timeskip~ 7 pm

  I'm now standing near the biggest sakura tree. I'm wearing a sleeveless blue dress that ends a few inches above my kness. It has gems engraved on the waist and neckline. My hair was down with big curls and I was wearing blue flats.

  "I really need to stop thinking about him" I said while letting out a sigh.

  "Who's him?" someone from behind said. My heart started to beat faster. That voice I know to well.

  I slowly turned around, facing a pink-haired dragon slayer.

  "N-Natsu" I stuttered.

  "Hey Luce, so who's him" he said with a frown.

  "Oh don't mind him. Its not really that important." I said while waving my hands infront of my face.

  "umm, ok." He said.

  "So, why did you want to talk to me?" I asked trying to change the subject.

  "Umm, W-Well L-Lucy, I-I w-want t-to t-tell y-you s-something" Natsu stuttered while blushing. Wait, Natsu nervous?

  "Natsu, what is it? I promise I won't get mad." I said.

  "Promise you won't laugh and judge me?" he asked.

  "i Promise" I reassured him.


  "Lucy, I love you. I always loved you from the beggining." he said while blushing.

  I blinked a couple of times but smiled. I just hugged him.

  "I love you too, baka" I said.

  It was unknown to them that they were being watched by there guildmates. Mira and Levy faint, Erza and Gray smirked, Wendy, Charles and Sapphira blushed, Gajeel and Juvia chuckled.


Just saying, theres still one more chapter after this.

Hope you enjoy..

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Love lots,


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