Chapter 32: Metal and Script

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Lucy's POV

  We hurriedly entered the temple. We ran through the hall. Turning to every corner. Until we came to reach a door. We opened it to find that we were in a very large room. There nothing around. We looked around, until we heard a voice spoke.

  "I have been expecting you, Princess Lucy." said a voice.

  We all looked up to see a man with brown hair and black eyes. He was looking at us with a hint of anger in his eyes.

  "My name is Zerpetho. I'm here to stop you." With that he launched forward. His fist covered with black flames. He was about to hit us until "Solid Script: Barrier".

  A barrier appeared protecting us from his attack. We all looked at a petite girl with blue hair, a black exceed and a boy with black hair infront of us. Levy and Gajeel.

  "We can take care of him. Just go." Gajeel said.

  We all nodded, understand what they meant. We hurriedly ran to the room's exit.

  "Ugh, I want action!" Natsu growled.

  I just smacked him on his head.

Back to Levy and Gajeel
Levy's POV

  "Now, as for you, Metal Dragon's Iron fist." I heard Gajeel said. His arm became a pillar of iron. It successfully hitted Zerpetho. When the dust cleared, He was still there. Without any scratch or cut.

  "His tougher than he looks." I whispered.

  "Now my turn, Flames of Despair" he chanted. A swirl of black flame escaped his mouth. It almost looked like Natsu's roar, but the flames were black instead of red. I hurriedly made a barrier, shielding us from his attack.

  When the attack finally disappeared, the smoke was completely gone. But, Zerpetho was now infront of Gajeel. "Burning Soul" he chanted. Our eyes widened because Gajeel was set flying across the room.

  "GAJEEL?!" I shouted.

  Suddenly, with a blink of an eye, Zerpetho appeared infront of me. I wasn't able to react because he held my hair. He harshly pulled me by the hair. I screamed in pain.

  "SHRIMP?! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HER!" Gajeel shouted glaring daggers at Zerpetho.

  Zerpetho just tightened his grip on my hair making me flinched in pain. Tears were now threatening to fall.

  Lily transformed to his battle form and angrily charged at Zerpetho. Lily launched an attack at him but Zerpetho just blocked it without a sweat.

  "You're just a piece of trash. Flaming Fury" with that Lily was sent flying. He hit the wall and transformed back to his cat form.

  "I'm sorry, I failed you." Lily said then he blacked out.

  I can see that Gajeel was trying his best to move but it seems that his paralyzed. Zerpetho just smirked evilly. He threw me a near Gajeel. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.


  "No.. I won't run away. You're my friend Gajeel and I won't leave you behind. I will always be here for you." I said with a smile.

  I held his right hand with my shaking left hand. Once our hands collided, our guild insignia shined. I felt like my magic slowly coming back. Gajeel's too. We slowly stood up. I looked up to a confused Gajeel.

  "What happened?" Gajeel said.

  "I'll explain later." I said.

  We looked back to a shocked Zerpetho.

  "And as for you." I started.

  "You will pay for what you've done." Gajeel said.

  We focused on all our magic on this attack. "Metal Dragon's Roar" Gajeel chanted. "Solid Script: Fire" I chanted.

  A metal roar covered with flames came to Zerpetho. He wasn't able to react because the attack hitted him. He was sent flying and fell unconcoius.

  "We did it! But how did our magic came back?" Gajeel asked.

  "Well thanks to the power of Friendship, Trust and Love." I blushed at the last part. He also blushed.

  There was moment of awkward silence. He decided to break it.

  "So that means, we feel the same way?" He asked blushing.

  I also blushed, but I giggled and nodded.

  He hugged me and I just can't help but smile. I can't believe we feel the same way. Oh how I love you, Gajeel..


Hey guys...

I'm sorry, I don't really know how Levy's magic work.. Gomenasai..

Please follow me, read, comment and vote.

Love lots,


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