Chapter 26: Royal Dragon Force

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Lucy's POV

A hooded girl with a large amount of dark magic entered the guild. Her scent was familiar.

But I can't get how she managed to escape the council. And I can tell she gotten a lot stronger than before. I'll be needing a large amount of my magic to defeat her.

The guild went silent. Feeling the dark magic coming from her, they went to battle stance. I slowly approached her until we were only a couple of miles apart.

"What do you want this time? And how did you escaped the Magic Council, Alice?" I asked her.

I heard gasps from my guildmates. Alice removed her hood revealing her black hair and blood red eyes.

"I came here to destroy you, Lucy-Sama. And as for the magic council, it was easy to escape from them." Alice stated.

Natsu, hearing the word destroy, charged at Alice. His body was covered in flames. "You have to go through me first, Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flames." A swirl of fire made its way to Alice.

Alice dodged it without breaking a sweat. She disappeared suddenly then reappeared a few meters behind him. "Black Flames" She chanted. Balls of black flames was thrown to Natsu.

Because of Alice's speed, Natsu didn't have enough time to dodge. He just covered his face with his arms. He closed his eyes getting ready for impact until he heard "Heaven's Shield" a bright yellow barrier appeared before him.

Natsu turned his head in my direction.

"Natsu, Let me handle her." I said.

"But Lu..ce" He said.

"I can defeat her. Just give me a chance. I'll be careful." I reassured him.

He sighed in defeat. He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"Just be careful. I don't want to lose you again." he whispered in my ear.

"Of course." I whispered back.

He let go of me then gave me a heartfelt grin. I grinned back.

He moved out of the way. I looked up to Alice and gave her a death glare.

"Alice, leave at once. You don't have business here" I said with a glare.

"I already told you. I came here to destroy you." She said with an evil smirk.

"I'll be the one who'll destroy you." I said.

I made a strong rune. I charged at Alice. "Celestial Dragon's Holy Breath" I chanted. I bright yellow beam escaped my mouth. While Alice isn't moving a muscle.

When the attack was about to hit her, she chanted "Dark Force". Black Aura is now surrounding her petite body. She raised her right hand. With a blink of an eye, my attack vanished in thin air.

She once again vanished then reappeared infront of me. She placed her hand on my stomach then chanted "Demon's Wrath". Black Light emerged from her palm making contact on my body.

I flew a few meters backward. I screamed in pain because of her attack. I can hear my guildmates calling my name. 'I can't lose now. I have to protect the Dragons, Mama, my Friends and the whole world.' I thought.

I can still defeat her. But if I use that spell, they'll know my real identity. But if I don't, my life might end here. I can't let that happen. I still need to defeat Zeref. Besides, I can trust them with my secret.

I focused on my light magic. Now, my body is glowing in bright yellow. I can feel a large amount of light magic emerging from my body. I opened my eyes, it has a small magic circle. "Royal Dragon Force" I chanted.

Once again my body glowed in bright yellow. When it dimmed down, my clothes changed. I was now wearing a light pink goddess outfit. My hair has pink streaks. Mu eyes became crystal blue.

"I'll make you pay for your sins." I said calmly.


Oh No!

Lucy used Royal Dragon Force...

I feel sorry for Alice..

Please remind me not to anger Lucy-I mean Princess Lucy Heartfilia. Princess of the Dragon Realm, Ruler of the Heavens and Stars, Goddess of Beauty and Heiress of the Heartfilia's and Natsu's Mate....

Hehe, i'm over acting here...

Love Lots,


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