Chapter 14: Dragon Castle

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Lucy's POV

  We are now here on the Dragon Realm to train with the Dragons. The Dragon Realm was an entire new world. It has island's floating in mid air. It resembles Edolas in some way.

  Each Dragon has its own island. Like Igneel, the fire Dragon. He's island has a volcano at the middle. Surrounding it was a lake of lava.

  At the middle of the realm was the Dragon Castle. It was 300 storeys high, Its walls was made of marbles, it has a magnificent fountain at the front and a beautiful garden.

  "Where are we going now?" Wendy asked.

  "We will go to the Dragon Castle first. We need to report your arrival to the queen." Stella said.

  "But how?" I asked.

  "Princess, are you forgetting something? i'm the Celestial Dragon, Remember?" Stella said with a smirk.

  "Oh yeah, sorry" I apologize.

  Stella just smiled in response. She chanted 'Dragon Form'. Then her body glowed bright yellow. When the light dimmed down, instead of a skinny Stella, a Dragon with beautiful gold scales and eyes. Her scales shines when it hits the sun rays.

  We hop on her back and made our way to the Dragon Castle.

Back At The Guild
Natsu's POV

  Here i'm seating on the bar with my head on my palm. Sulking.

  Its only been a day since Lucy, Wendy and Charles left the guild but I already missed them especially Luce.

  Its not the same at the guild since Master announced their departure. The usual rowdy and noisy guild became a quite and sad guild. Its not the same without them.

  Cana is not drinking, Erza is not eating her strawberry cake, Levy is not reading, Gray is not stripping, Mirajane stopped smiling, Reedus stopped painting, Elfman stopped talking about man and i'm not grinning nor fighting Gray.

  It is really not the same without them. They seem to complete the guild. Lucy's smile, Wendy's cuteness and Charles stubborness really makes this guild complete. But without them, it really seems different. Like there is something missing.

  I hope everything goes back to normal.

Back To The Dragon Realm
Lucy's POV

  We already arrived at the Dragon Castle. It's still the same since I last saw it. We entered the castle.

  The floor and walls are made of crystal blue marble. There was 2 grand straircase leading to one door. It both had a red carpet. At the middle of the staircase was a portrait of me and mama. Their was a chandelier at the middle.

  We climbed the right staircase and entered the door. The door leads to a long hallway. Their were a doors at each opposite side of the hallway.

  After some time, we finally reached the end of the hallway. There was a big and very elegant door that will lead us to the throne room.

  The throne room where mama or should I say the Dragon Queen is waiting...



hehe, I hope you like the chapter. Sorry if it was just short...

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Love lots,


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