Chapter 20: Rejoin

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Normal POV

  The guild doors burst opened. Revealing 4 hooded figures. All eyes were on them. They even got Natsu's attention who was sulking at a corner.

  They made their way to the bar. Silence filled the atmosphere until the tallest hodded figure spoke up.

  "Excuse me, can I talk to your master?" The hodded figure who they pressume to be a girl asked barmaid, Mirajane.

  She just nooded and pointed at the stairs.

Lucy's POV

  We nervously entered the guild and we seem to get their attention. They were all looking at us. I looked around and I met the eyes of a very familiar dragon slayer.

  He was staring at me. And I nervously stared back. Hoping not to reveal my cover. We had an eye contact and I felt lost in his onxy eyes.

  When I saw him frowned I turned away. We made our way to the bar.

  "Excuse me, can I talk to your master?" I asked Mirajane. She nooded and pointed to the stairs. She is still the same as before.

  I glanced back at Natsu who has a confused look on his face. He looks so cute with that face. I just mentally giggled at him.

  We went to master's office and opened the door. I put a spell on the door.

  "Who are you?" Master asked us with a calm voice.

  "Where back, master." I said. We removed our hood.

  I saw master's eyes widened then softened. We hugged him.

  "Thank goodness you came back safely." Master blurted out.

  "Were happy to be back." I said.

  "So how was the training?" master asked.

  "It was fine. I managed to master sky dragon slaying magic." Wendy said.

  "I was able to learn other type of magics beside Aera." Charles said.

  "And I managed to master every dragon slaying magic, my celestial magic and other types of magic." I said.

  "Increadible, you managed master them all in less than a year and a half." Master commented and turned to look at a startled Sapphira.

  "And who is this little one?" Master asked.

  "I'm Sapphira, Lucy's exceed." Sapphira introduced herself.

  "Well, its nice to meet you." Master said.

Master's POV

  "So what are you're plans now?" I asked out of the blue.

  "Well we are planning to rejoin Fairy Tail of course." Lucy said.

  I just chuckled.

  "You never leave did you" I said.

  "Yeah, well let me rephrase that. Sapphira is here to join." She rephrased.

  I just nooded and went to get the stamp. When I returned I stamped Sapphira.

  "So you ready to face the guild?" I asked Lucy.

  She nervously nooded. So is Wendy and Charles. They removed their hoods and we went to downstairs.



How will the guild react?

And will Lucy tell them truth?

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Love lots,


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