Chapter 17: Sapphira

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Lucy's POV

  "AN EXCEED?" I exclaimed.

  Stella and Grandeeney nodded.

  "Yes, Lucy. This is Sapphira" Mama gestured to the crystal blue exceed.

  I smiled at her and streched an arm to her.

  "Hello, Sapphira. I'm Lucy Heartfilia." I introduced myself.

  Sapphira shyly shooked my hand.

  "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Lucy." Sapphira said while bowing down.

  "Please, don't be to formal towards me. Just call me Lucy." I said.

  Sapphira looked at me with wide eyes but softened eventually. She smiled at me while I smiled back.

  "As you wish, Prin-i mean Lucy." She said.

  We interrupted with a fake cough.

  "I'm sorry to disturb but you need to go ahead. Same goes to you, Wendy and Charles." Mama said.

  "But-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Stella interrupted me.

  "Don't worry, Princess Lucy. Sapphira will come with us." Stella pointed out.

  "HAI" Sapphira agreed.

  I just smiled and nodded.

  "Lucy, you will be training every dragon slaying element for a month. After a month of training an element, you will transfer to another dragon to master a another element." Mama explained.

  I just nodded.

  Grandeeney and Stella transformed to their Dragon Forms. Grandeeney has white and a hint of blue and green scales. Her eyes is still brown.

  I turned to look at Wendy and Charles.

  "Well, goodbye for now." I said.

  "Take care, Lucy-san, Sapphira and Stella-san." Wendy said.

  "Same goes to you, Wendy, Charles and Gradeneey." I said.

  "See you soon." Charles said.

  Wendy and Charles hoped on Grandeeney while me and Sapphira on Stella. We bid our goodbye to mama and head to our seperate ways.

-Back at Fairy Tail- 2 days after
Normal POV

  Fairy Tail isn't as rowdy as usual. The guild's atmosphere is filled with sadness and emptiness. They started to feel incompelete when Lucy, Wendy and Charles left.

  In one corner of the guild, lies a certain pink haired slayer who seems to be very affected of his partner/bestfriends departure.

  He changed since Lucy left. He never picks a fight with Gray anymore and he never eats as many as before. And what's bothering is he never grinned, laugh or smiled since Lucy left.

  He just sits on one corner and do nothing but to stare on empty space.

  Every guild member tried to cheer him up but he just ignored them. He even ignored Happy and he never reacts whenever Gray calls him names.

  He never been the same. The careless-grinning-idiotic dragon slayer became a gloomy and boring boy. Nobody knows when his old self will come back. Probably when Lucy, Wendy and Charles returns.

  They just hope that they will return soon enough. The guild is incomplete without them.


Sorry for the delayed update..

Been busy with school..

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Love lots,


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