Chapter 24: Vision or nightmare?

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Lucy's POV

  Its been 2 days since mine and Natsu's friendly fight. And he's keep bugging me on how I became so strong. I kept on explaining but he won't listen or he just simply don't understand.

  I sighed. Its just another day at Fairy Tail. And I been having the same nightmare or should I say visions over and over again. I'm not sure if its a vision, but it seems so real.

  That visions just keep on replaying on my mind.

I woke up in a very dark place.
I tried to shout for help but there's no sound coming from my mouth. I tried and tried but to no avail.

I turned around to see that i'm infront of the guild. I sighed in relief. I was about to open the door, until I felt a very intense dark magic.

The guild started to glow in black. I closed my eyes. And when I opened my eyes, I gasped. Then my eyes went wide, my mouth slightly apart and never ending tears flowing on my face. I was trembling because of the sight infront of me.

The guild was completely destroyed. Every guild member is deeply injured and lying lifeless on the ground. There were blood everywhere. The once lively guild is now completely lifeless.

I saw a hint of pink. I hurriedly went to it and I gasped. I saw a lifeless Natsu lying infront of me. I kneeled beside him and looked for his pulse...

But I can't feel anything. He's dead..
I hugged him while crying.

"You can't stop me. I'm much stronger and powerful than you so stop dreaming! I'll put an end to every living creature on Earthland and no one can stop me." I heard a musculine voice behind me.

I looked behind me and saw a man with black hair and blood red eyes. My eyes widened when I realized who he was.

It was Zeref...

~End of Vision~

  I always wake up after that. And i've been dreaming about that every single night and keeps on bothering me. I consulted Stella and Mama about it and they can't confirm if its just a nightmare or visions.

  Because of that, i've been having sleepless night. And now here i'am in the noisy guild of Fairy Tail. Far way different than the Lifeless guild on my dreams. I just can't help but trembled in fear everytime I think about it.

  I still haven't decide if i'll tell this to master or not. Not until i'm sure about this.

  My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see the man that I saw lifeless on my dreams. I can see that his eyes was full of worry.

  "..ce Luce Luce, You alright?" He said.

  "Huh? What?" I said clueless.

  "Luce, i've been calling you for sometime but you seem to be lost on your thoughts to hear me. Is something bothering you?" Natsu asked with care on his eyes.

  "No, i'm fine. I just remembering something." I lied.

  "You sure?" He asked.

  I just nodded.

  I just hope that vision or nightmare isn't true. Or if it will happen, i'll do anything in my will to stop it from happening.


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