Chapter 4: The Promise

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Lucy's POV

   "Yes, Zeref will wake up in 3 years. And only you, Princess of the dragons can defeat him." Stella said seriously.

  "WHAT?!" Me, Wendy and Master shouted..

  "But why me?" I asked with wide eyes.

  "Because you possess a very powerful magic that can rival Zeref's. You know all types of Dragon Slayer Magic and also ancient magics like Angel Magic, Portals, Healing Magic, and many more." Stella explained.

  "But.." I said stopping mid-sentence.

  "Princess Lucy, please. We need your help the most. The whole world needs you." Stella insisted.

  "But my powers are sealed. I can only use Celestial magic. And my true powers will only be unsealed at the right time." I said

  "Yes, And we believe that your powers will unlocked before 3 years. We just need you to go back to the Dragon Realm to train your powers when it is finally unlocked." Stella said.

  "Of course, I promise. I will come back at the Dragon Realm by the time that my powers are unlocked. And I will do everything in my will to defeat Zeref." I said determinely.

  "As expected from you, Princess. I will come back to fetch you when the time has come." Stella said.

  I just noodded. Stella removed the spell. We bid Master our goodbyes and when I opened the door...

   Natsu and Gray stumbled forward. Erza, Levy and Juvia was infront of the door while Gajeel was leaning at the wall next to the door.

  "Look who decided to eavesdropped." I said while smirking.

  "Umm..hey Luc..y a..nd We..ndy" Natsu said nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

  'Aww, he looks cute when he's nervous.' I thought.

  Wait?! what am I thinking. He's my bestfriend. I can't think like these towards him. I just mentally slapped myself.

  "We just wanted to check if you two are alright." Gray nervously said.

  "You sure? or Maybe curiousity got the best of you guys." I said teasingly.

  "No, Luce. Promise, we didn't heard anything." Natsu said defensively.

  "So, you guys were really planning on eavesdropping." Wendy said.

  "Way to go Flame Brain." Gray said while glaring at Natsu.

  "Hey, It was your idea to you know. Ice Freak." Natsu said while glaring back.

  "Will you two shut-up!" Erza said while giving them a I-will-kill-you-both death glare.

  "Yes Ma..m" they said while shaking in fear.

  I just sweatdropped.

  'What crazy friends you have here, Princess Lucy and Wendy-sama.' Stella said through Telephaty.

  Me and Wendy just shrugged at her while Master just sighed.

  "Lu-chan and Wendy, sorry for eavesdropping on you." Levy apoligized.

  "Yeah, sorry Love Rival." Juvia added.

  "No, it's alright." me and Wendy said.

  "But what's really weird is I can't hear anything using my sensitive hearing. Even Gajeel can't hear anything. Whay did you talk about, Luce?" Natsu asked curiously.

  "Nothing much. Why are you so interested anyway?" I asked him.

  "Why wouldn't I? I'm you're bestfriend and partner, right?" Nastu said while grinning.

  'Hmm, he likes you. I'm sure of it.' Stella said using telephaty.

  I blushed lightly and looked back at her and gave her a I-do-not look.

  'Yeah. If you say so, Princess Lucy' she said. I just glared at her.


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