Chapter 31: Ice and Water

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Lucy's POV

  After the announcement, I bid them my goodbye and hurridly went to my apartment. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I was wearing a blue sleeveless long blouse, jean shorts and boots. I attached my whip and keys on my belt. I exited my apartment and went to the guild.

  When I entered, my group was already there, sitting on one of the tables. I sat between Natsu and Levy.

  "So, how are we going to the Temple of Demise?" Asked Gray.

  "The mountain of Atlic is located near the city of Lyria" said Levy.

  "We'll ride a train to Lyria for 3 hours. Then we will explore the mountain by foot." I explained.

  They all nodded. We all went to the train station and bought tickets to Lyria. We got seated on the train. Natsu and Happy was seating beside me, Gajeel, Pantherlily and Levy across us. Erza, Wendy, Gray, Juvia and Charles on the seats in front of us.

   I casted Troia on the two idiot dragon slayers. I don't want them sulking.

-After 3 hours-

  We finally reached the town of Lyria. We entered the forest near the town. After 3 hours of walking, they finally reached a temple. A man was standing on the entrance.

  "It's about time you reached here." The man said.

  "Who are you?!" Natsu growled.

  "My name is Shi. I'm here to stop you from entering." He said with a smirk.

  "Oh, really?" Natsu said while his fists was covered with fire.

  He was about to punch Shi but was stop by Gray.

  "Wha-" But he was cut-off.

  "Me and Juvia will handle him. Fighting him will just slow us down. You should go. He'll be a piece of cake." Gray said.

  Natsu was about to protest but Erza stopped him.

  "We understand, just be careful." Erza said while dragging Natsu inside.

  "You won't get away that easily, Death Track" Shi said. A black beam was sent to us.

  "Not so fast, Ice Make: Shield" Gray chanted. A barrier of ice was made infront of us, shielding is from Shi's attack.

  We hurriedly entered the temple and I prayed for there safety. I just hope they can defeat him.

Gray's POV

  "We're your opponent, Ice Make: Cannon" A cannon made of ice appeared on my shoulder. I fired it directly to him. He just dodged it without ease.

  "You have to do more than that to defeat me, Black Vines." Shi chanted.

  Vines started to surround us. It's preventing me from attacking. I'm struggling to get them off, but failed. I glance back to Juvia and saw that she's also having a hard time.

  "This won't stop Juvia and Gray-sama, Water Slicer" Juvia chanted. A wave of sharp looking water surrounded us. It removed the vines making us move again.

  "Now pay, Whirlpool" Juvia chanted. A huge whirlpool was created above us and made its way to Shi.

  Shi was suprised at first but he was able to dodge it. He was still looking suprised. I used this as our advantage.

  "Ice Make: Shards" I chanted. A group of really sharp ice was now heading to Shi's direction.

  He was caught off-guard. He was hit with my attack. He's now on his knees, blood flowing from his left arm and right legs.

  "WHY YOU, Angel Of Death!" he shouted. A blinding light appeared and sent us flying backwards.

  I stood up, so did Juvia. We were covered in bruises and cuts. I don't know if we can still hold on, but we have to. For Earthland's safety.

  That's until I thought of something.. I looked at Juvia and it seems that we were thinking the same thing. We nodded.

  I held both of her hands. One was outsretched. Our foreheads touching each other. I focused all my remaining magic, so did she.

  "Unison Raid: Ice and Water" we both chanted. We glowed in blue light. An attack of water combined with ice hitted Shi which led to him falling unconciuos on the floor.

  Juvia fainted afterwards. Luckily she fell on my arms. I caressed her cheeks lightly, removing strokes of hair from her beautiful face. I kissed her forehead and whispered "I love you, I always did." And with that I also blacked out, with a smile on my face.


Hey guys, I decided to extend this story. Just a few chapters..

I just love GruVia..

Please Follow me, read, comment and Vote..

Love lots,


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