Chapter 27: Dragon's Law

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Lucy's POV

  "I'll make you pay for your sins." I said calmly.

  I charged at her and chanted "Space Dragon's Secret Art: Galaxy Nova". A purplish light charged at Alice.

  Alice dodged it just in time. While she was distracted of my attack, I disappeared.

  "Where are you? You Coward!" Alice shouted angrily.

  "I'm right here. No need to shout." I said with a smirk.

  I reappeared above here. She looked up and her eyes widened. I attacked her before she could process anything. I raised both my hands and chanted "Water Dragon's Whirlpool". A giant whirlpool appeared above me. I throw it to a amused Alice.

  This time, she wasn't able to dodge it. She hitted the ground really hard. She was struggling to get up.

  "You will pay for this, Dark Dragon's Vortex" she casted.

  I was pushed to a dark vortex. I looked around for any exit, but failed. I kept on hearing my guildmates voices on my head.

"Lu-Chan, Don't give up!"

"Lucy-san, We believe in you."

"Lucy, were here for you!"


  My eyes snapped open. Hearing their voice. His Voice. I immedietly came back to my senses.

  'Their right! I can't give up now. They believed in me, and I believed in them. I can do this. For Fairy Tail' I said to myself.

  My body glowed in bright yellow. "I, Lucy Heartfilia, Ruler of the Stars and Princess of the Dragons, please hear thy call and help me out of this place, Dragon Guardian" I chanted. Twin Magic Circle appeared on both of my eyes. My body started to glow, a glow that can blind someone.

  When the light faded, i'm out of the dark vortex. Alice and my guildmates looked at me with wide eyes.

  "You can't defeat me as long as I have my friends and my family to support and help me." I said with a smirk.

  "How did yo-" she said while I cut her mid-sentence.

  "I'll make you pay." I said.

  My body glowed in different colors. "12 Legendary Dragons of the Realm, please lend me your powers to defeat this evil mage, DRAGON'S LAW" I chanted. I raised both of my hands towards her and a beam of different colors made its way to Alice.

  Alice was sent flying backwards. She collapsed on the ground totally losing consiousness. I just sighed in relieved.

  My clothes, hair and eyes started to go back to normal. I removed the barrier separating me from my guildmates. They ran towards me throwing questions at me.

"Are you alright?"

"How did you do that?"

"Are you hurt?"

"How did you managed to become that strong?"

  And something like that. I just sweatdropped. I was expecting this after all. Thankfully, Master convinced them to dropped the questions.

  The Magic Council came and arrested Alice. They promised to strenghten the security.

  The guild was half-destroy because of our fight. Master keep on sulking because of that. I can't help but giggle.

  "Don't worry, Master. Let me fix the guild." I stated.

  Master looked up to me with a confused face. Before he could question me, I made my way to the center of the guild. I closed my eyes and chanted "Time Dragon's secret art, Restore". In a blink of an eye, the guild went back to normal. As if it wasn't destroyed.

  Master's face lit up and started thanking me. I just smiled at him. Wendy ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

  " Tha..nk. Go..d. you.. al..right" Wendy said between sobs.

  I just sweatdropped and gave her a heartwarming smile. She smiled.

  "So bunny girl, I have a feeling that you didn't told us the whole story." Gajeel said..


Confession Time...

Will the guild forgive Lucy for not telling them the truth?

Please Follow me, read, comment and vote..

Love lots,


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