Chapter 8: Lucy VS Alice

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Lucy's POV
  "LUCE?!" Natsu shouted.

  I just ignored him and I turned my attention back to the hooded girl.

  "Who are you?" I asked her.

  "Well, it won't hurt if I tell you. Right?" She said.

  She removed her cloak and I gasped. It was Alice, Acnologia's foster child. She has black hair and blood red eyes. We fought before at the Dragon Realm. I won that time.

  "So, as I can see. You still remember me, Lucy-sama." She said.

  "" I stuttered.

  "Oh, is the princess afraid of me?" She said with a mocking voice.

  "Don't you dare call me princess!" I said.

  "But that will be disrespectful, Princess Lucy" She said innocently.

  I can see at the corner of my eyes that my guildmates are confused.

  "Wait, you didn't tell them?" Alice said acting shocked.

  "TELL US WHAT?" Natsu shouted.

  "That she is a real princess and her real powers." she said.

  Their eyes widened and jaws dropped. I just glared at Alice.

  "Oh no, is the Princess mad at me?" Alice said innocently.

  "URUSAI! You don't have business here so leave!" I said.

  "Yes, I do. That is to finish you up before you can be a threat." Alice exclaimed.

  Alice just smirked evilly at me and prepared to do an attack.

  "Dark Dragon's Roar!" Alice shouted. A powerful Black and Purple beam came from her mouth to me.

  "Angel's Shield" I shouted. A yellow magic circle appear before me. Then a powerful barrier appear and shield me from Alice attack.

  "Wing Slash of the Dark Dragon!" Alice said. A Black swirl of Dark power was being throw to me.

  "Light Merge" I shouted. Once again a yellow magic circle appear and a bright yellow beam came out. It made a great impact with Alice's Attack. It made us flew backwards.

  "Angel wings" I chanted. Then pickish angel wings appear at my back. "Dark Dragons iron fist" I heard her chanted. Her fist was covered black and purplish. Her punch landed on my stomach.

  I was able to regain my balance and chanted "Angel's tears". Alice was now covered in yellow light. When the light faded she fell on the ground.

  "If you don't know, Angel's Tears is a very powerful spell. It lets you remember your past." I explained.

  "Why you, Magic Drainer cage!" She chanted. A black magic cirle appear beneath me. I tried to fly using my wings but it was to late. I was trapped in a big cage.

  "Did you like my present, Princess?" Alice said while laughing evilly. I felt my powers being drained. Every second I feel weak but I can't lose now. Not now, not never!

  "Don't urge yourself to fight it. It drains your magic so any minute now, you will just run out of magic." She said.

  "LUCE!" I heard someone shout. I turned around to see Natsu and the others doing their best to destroy the barrier I made.

  "LUCY, JUST LET US HELP YOU" Natsu shouted.

  "Lucy, We are your nakama. Let's work together" Gray added.

  "Lucy/Lu-Chan/Lucy-san" The other guild members said.

  "Look at your weak guildmates. What if teleport one of them in here and hurt her in front of you." Alice said with a smirk.

  "Don't you Dare!" I said in a threatening voice.

  "LUCY-SAN, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP. WE NEED YOU!" Wendy suddenly shouted tears flowing from her face.

  "We..ndy" I whispered.

  "Look, we have here. Little Wendy. You should do for my plan." Alice said.

  "What pla-" Wendy wasn't able to finish her sentence when a black magic circle appeared beneath her. With a flash second, Wendy disappeared then reappear inside the barrier.

  "Let's see how you can handle this." Alice said then punched Wendy in the stomach. Wendy was sent playing and hitting the barrier. She groaned in pain.

  "WENDY!" I shouted with my eyes widened. I looked back at Alice with full of anger in my eyes. "THAT'S IT! I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!" I shouted. My body glowed and I can feel enormous power flowing in every vein in my body. I' sure, my powers are unlocking.

  When the light disappeared, My hair was now longer and has pink highlights. My clothes also changed. I'm now wearing a light pink dress that ends above my knees. My eyes is still the same.

  "You will pay for hurting Wendy" I said.


And that's it for this chapter..

What will the guild's reaction?

Stay tunned to find out..

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Love lots,


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