Chapter 35: Don't Die

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Lucy's POV

  I ran over to Zeref but as I was nearing him, I got electricuted. I stepped back a little. I saw that Zeref was inside a rune. I used my magic to undo the rune. But it was really advanced.
  'This will take longer than I expected' I thought.

Back to Natsu
Natsu's POV

  Ugh, I'm currently fighting this Joshua guy. And he's really strong. But I know i'm stronger. "Roaring Thunder" I heard him shout. Another black thunder came to me.

  I was able to dodge it. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist" I chanted. I charged at him with my fire covered fists. "Thunder Wave" he said. A wave of what I assumed is electricity hit me. I was sent flying and hit the wall behind me.

  I got up and chanted another spell. "Fire Dragon's Flaming Fury" I said. My body was covered with flames. I charged at him. "Electric Shock" he said. I felt my body being electrified. I feel to my knees, panting.

  "Not so tough now, aye Salamander." Joshua said while smirking.

  "WHY YOU?!" I said while glaring at him. "Raining Thunder" Joshua chanted. I started to hear thunder. And not long enough, I got hit multiple of times by thunder. I just let out a scream of pain.

  "NATSU?!" I heard an angelic voice shout. I opened one of my eyes and saw a very concerned Lucy running towards me.

  "STOP!" I shouted.

  She stopped on her tracks with wide eyes.


  "Na..tsu" she whispered.


  "I Promise." I said.

  She nodded and ran back to Zeref.

  I slowly got up. I need to defeat him. I need to stay alive, for Luce. And i'm not planning on breaking that promise.

  My body was now covered in flames. I glared at Joshua.

  "Tsk, let's just finish this, 1000 bolts" he chanted. Another thunder made its way to me. But this time, I didn't dodge it..

  Joshua stared at me with wide eyes. Who wouldn't?

  Because I ate his thunder. I coughed a little. My flames become more lighter in color.

  "Fire Dragon's Crimson Lotus: Exploading Thunder" I chanted. My usual fire roar was covered with thunder. It hit Joshua. He was sent flying across the room. Knocking him unconcouis.

  Before I could even react, I felt a very large amount of Dark Magic. It was really powerful. I blinked a couple of times. Is Lucy to late? Did Lucy failed? What happen to Lucy?

  Before I could flood my head with more questions, I turned around. My eyes widened. I saw Lucy, on her knees. A man with black hair was a couple of meter infront of her. Black Magic radiating from him.

  I quickly ran to Lucy. She has tears in her eyes. I helped her to get up.

  "Natsu, i'm sorry. I'm sorry. I failed. The rune surrounding him is really advanced even I can't undo it. I'm really sorry." Lucy whispered.

  I looked at Zeref. His blood red eyes slowly opening.


Hello readers,

  Last 2-3 chapters then done. I'm actually planning to write another story, entitled Fieldtrip. Its not magic related. I hope you read it..

Please Follow me, read, comment and vote..

Love lots,


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