Chapter 33: Wendy's Promise

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Lucy's POV

  Ugh, we had been exploring this temple for 2 hours now and we still haven't found Zeref. I'm really getting tired.

  We turned to another corner and we came face to face with like a 100 soldiers. They charged at us. I was about to cast a spell, until "Sky Dragon's Roar". The ones who were charging at us flew backwards.

  We all looked at a determined Wendy and Charles.

  "You guys go ahead. We will take care of this" Wendy said.

  "But there's so many of the-" Natsu said but I cut him mid sentence.

  "We understand." I said.

  Erza and Natsu looked at me with disbelief. Erza just nodded understanding while Natsu's eyes just narrowed.

  "Lucy are you serious?" Natsu asked.

  "Are you forgetting? Wendy mastered her dragon slayer magic while Charles learned other types of magic. They will be fine" I said.

  Natsu still looked unconvinced.

  "I'll stay here!" Happy said.

  We all looked at him for a moment but nodded. Me, Erza and Natsu ran to the exit.

  "Good Luck, Wendy, Charles and Happy" I said while going deeper on the hallway.

Wendy's POV

  The soldiers started to surround us.

  "This will be tough" I said.

  "Yes, but we can do it!" Charles said.

  "Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed.

  "Let's do this! Sky Dragon's Sharp Blade" I chanted. A gust of wind that looks like blade made its way to 10 soldiers. They were knocked unconcouis.

  "Steel Wings" Charles chanted. Her white wings became as hard as metal. She charged at the enemy knocking 7 of them.

  Happy charged at the enemy using Max Speed. He was able to knock down 9 enemies.

  But the strange thing is that they kept on coming. I can't seem to count them all. There so many of them.

Back to Lucy, Natsu and Erza
Erza's POV

  We entered another room. It seems empty like the room that we left Levy and Gajeel in. It was quiet, until "Dark Dragon's Roar". A black beam came our way.

  "Angel's Shield" Lucy chanted. The yellow shield protected us from the attack.

  "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Natsu growled.

  "I know very well who did that" Lucy whispered.

  "ALICE, SHOW YOURSELF?!" Lucy shouted.

  From a dark corner, a figure of a girl appeared. It was Alice.

  "Nice to see you again, Princess Lucy" Alice greeted with a smirk.

  I transformed on my Heaven's wheel armour. I stood infront of them.

  "Let me handle this." I said calmly.

  "" Lucy said.

  Natsu just nodded. He grabbed Lucy's wrist and dragged her to the exit.

  "Acting like a hero, huh. How sweet!" Alice said with an evil smirk.

  "URUSAI! LET'S JUST GET THIS OVER WITH!" I shouted in a threatening voice.

  "I would love to" Alice said.

~Timeskip~ 30 minutes
Back to Wendy, Charles and Happy
Wendy's POV

  "This can't be. I'm running out of magic powers. But these soldiers just keep on coming." I said.

  Happy and Charles were already knocked down due to too much magic power they consumed.

  'Promise me that you'll come back to me.' a voice from my head said. Wait, I know that voice!

An hour before team Natsu, plus Levy, Gajeel, Juvia and Lily, leave for Lyria
  "Wendy can I talk to you?" said a voice from behind me.
  I turned around and saw a blushing Romeo. I blushed lightly but nodded.

  We went outside the guild and I turned to face Romeo.
  "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.
  "I just want to tell you that I always believed in you." Romeo said while blushing.
  I also blushed.

  "But why are you telling me this?" I asked him.
  "I just wanna say Good Luck. But I know that you can do it. Just promise me something." Romeo said.
  "Promise you what?" I asked him.
  "Promise me that you'll come back to me." he said while blushing like a tomato.

  I also blushed but nodded.
  "I promise" I said with a smile.

-End of Flashback-

  I promised that i'll come back and I can't break that promise. I'll keep the promise.

  My body started to glow green. Then I remembered powerful spell that Grandeeney taught me.

  "Sky Dragon's Secret Art: Air Manipulation" I chanted. A green aura was radiating from me to the air. In a matter of second, the air changed.

  All the soldiers started to held their throat. They can't breath. One by one, they got knocked out due to lack of air.

  It's because I changed the air here. I manipulated it. The air here was now impossible to inhale because they will die if they do. I made a little chamber for Charle and Happy.

  When all the soldiers were knocked out, I changed the air back. I collapse on the floor.

  "I kept my promise, Romeo" I whispered before blacking out


A cute little RoWen moment for you guys..

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