I. Y/N

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For those who didn't read the intro on SJJK, here it is. To those who read it, you can skip it if you want to. :)


It was raining so hard as you were patiently waiting for your father to come pick you up. The skies had already showed no colors other than black. Your eyes can all see were darkness and some lights flashing on and off from cars passing by the road.

You were leaning on the wall just in front of your school while holding an umbrella up your head. Your dad's late. He hasn't done this before. You're already worried. Stopping you from worrying furthermore, a tall young man appeared in your sight drenched in the heavy rain. He had his shoulders dropped like he had something heavy on top his shoulders. You're starting to get worried for him even when you don't even know a thing about this young man in front of you. He passed by you as you tried glancing at his face but his hair had covered most of his face that none of his features showed. Should you help him? But how can you? Isn't he gonna get sick with those damp clothes? You try shaking those thoughts away from your head hoping that once you ignored them then you wouldn't have to worry for this young man in front of you.

You were wrong.

The rain began to pour harder than it ever was earlier. Almost like there was a hail storm coming. Your head automatically turned to his direction and saw him shivering in the cold but continued walking as if he liked it. You mentally cursed yourself and rushed to his side. Damn yourself for being nice.

You rushed in front of him and leaned your umbrella above his head. He stopped. He slowly rose his head from the ground leveling it on your area of vision. There you saw his eyes. His eyes that showed vulnerability. He looks so sad and yet he doesn't want to show it. You stayed on your place as you felt the rain falling on your back. It didn't matter. All you could think of right now was this man in front of you. He was sad yet there is nothing you could offer but your umbrella. You saw him slowly raised his arms shoving the umbrella to you then began walking once more.

You gripped on your umbrella still contemplating whether to leave him or not. You shut your eyes in frustration as you can hear the loud droplets of rain hitting the ground. Just until the rain stops. You convinced yourself. You started walking towards him again and once more placed your umbrella above him. He stopped. Feeling that the rain stopped hitting his soaking body. He looked up and realized that an umbrella is again on his head. He turned his back and faced you. This time his eyes showed coldness. The way that says he doesn't want to be bothered. Being the nosy person that you are. You stand on your ground and return his cold gaze with the same amount of firmness.

"You're gonna get sick if you continue to do this." You said in a raised voice hoping that he could hear you. He did not say anything. You sighed out loud and shifted your gaze elsewhere. Your eyes landed on his right arm which was dripping with what you thought was water but as you closely looked at it. It was not. The liquid was thicker than rainwater. The darkness didn't help with confirming you what this thick liquid is. A flash of light coming from a passing car shed a little glow which showed me enough of what you can finally conclude it to be. Blood. It was blood that was dripping on his right arm.

"Are you hurt?" He did not say anything. You walked a bit closer to him as one your hands held on his right arm. His arm was cold. He flinched at the contact feeling your warm hands holding his. His flinched was enough for you to think that maybe he is injured. You looked at him in worry as he just returned it with just coldness.

"If you're hurt, you need to get it treated." Silence. Only the loud rain drops answered you. You slowly removed your hands on his right arm only to grab on his other one. You pulled him near you and to your surprise, he did not even fought back. You scanned the whole street hoping that there there can be some refuge that you could go to. Your eyes landed on a bus stop not too far from where you are standing. You pulled him as you both started walking towards the bus stop where there were seats and shed on top. Perfect to protect you from getting further drenched than you already were.

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