V. I Hurt Her

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"You asshole. I ought to---ACCK!" The man did not even finished his words when a man covered in black with a huge hoodie hiding almost half of his face, stabbed him right on the chest as hard as he can without even blinking. The man fell on the floor trying so hard to breathe while reaching for something using his trembling hands. 

"Hmm. . I don't think you're allowed to say anything, old man." The man said while playing with the knife that he used to kill the old man. He titled his head a bit as a part of his face shone through the cracks of the windows. He was smiling wickedly. A smile that shows happiness and enjoyment. He then pulled his face mask a bit upwards to cover his face again and started walking away from the dying man he just slit the throat earlier. 

"I will kill you, V-V" He said in barely a stutter as he held on the bottom hem of the guy holding the knife. The man standing begins to laugh then pulled away from him. He squat on the floor then pulled his hair to look at his grotesque, tormented face. The face that feeds V's ego a lot more. He wanted to see fear in the eyes of his enemies before they go completely dead. 

"I don't think you can, old man. You're gonna die here and rot. All. By. Yourself." He said to the man. He took out his knife once more and stabbed it on the side of his neck. Blood suddenly flowed down his neck as V can finally see the face that he wanted to see when killing people. Terror. He smiled yet again then slammed his face on the ground. He started walking away with a smile on his face.

There must be no evidence. That's what his boss always tell him. And so, there will be none. He put some classical music on the old antique phonograph that was on the side of the man's office room. He closed his eyes for a second immersing himself to the sweet song of Giuseppe Verdi's La donna è mobile. As the music played, he walked towards the side of the room and lifted a large square container then opened the lid. He began humming the song then poured the gasoline slowly. He walked along the hallway of the mansion then poured it on the floor.  He sprinkled it all over the house soaking almost each side of the rooms. 

He walked out of the mansion keeping that wicked smile on his face as he opened his lighter, flicking its switch slowly. As the flamed showed right before his eyes, he gave the mansion one last look then threw his lighter towards the front porch and saw the flame spreading on the floors like a water spilled on the ground. He smirked to himself and dialed a number on his phone. 

"I'm done for today. Not accepting anymore." V said as the man on the other end of the line chuckled dryly. 

"There's no surprise in that I see. Go rest then V. You had a hard day fetching the dry cleanings." He said then hung the phone. V sighed out loud and walked away, leaving the burning mansion. 


You were shaking while a blanket was wrapped around your body covering your head. You couldn't even concentrate on your studies anymore. You were just looking at the same word on the book for half an hour already. You tried removing what had happened earlier and yet your brain is like a bitch teasing you while flashes of what happened earlier came to your head again.

"ACK!! NOOO!" You screamed out loud as you hit your head on the table as hard as you can. You pouted then turned your head on one side facing the wall. It was already dark and yet, you can't even sleep at all. That V or whatever his name is screams dangerous and that man should be avoided under any circumstances. 

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