Epilogue II

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You were on the passenger seat with Taehyung while he's driving home. He leaned near you as he pulled the compartment in front of your seat. You saw a pastel pink envelope wrapped with ribbon inside. You glanced at him as you saw him smile a little. 

"You should know who's it from, judging on how fancy the letter is." Taehyung said with a low chuckle. His eyes were glued on the road. You exhaled out loud then opened the letter. It's so obvious on who's it from. Kim Jiro. 

My dearest Rose, --rolling your eyes at the words--

How sad that we have to face such a tragic ending. I don't want to leave you all alone in this scary world but I'm deeply sorry that I will go on ahead of you. I hope that at least through this letter you will find comfort from being away from me, your beloved. 

You were almost about to throw up on how cringe-y Jiro is. You shook your head then continued reading the letter. 

Since we didn't have a proper date. I asked some of your friends to help me out. You'll see once you step inside the apartment. Hope you'll like it. 

Forever Yours, 


Taehyung turned off the engine. You propped your head up and realized you're already home. You went out of the car holding the letter in your hands. 

"Jiro. That guy is still as greasy as a butter." You complained while pouting in front of him. He held your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. You gasped in surprise as you immediately looked at him. 

"Well, it's your fault I had that kind of personality." He said with a chuckle. You both walked inside the elevator, pressing the button for your floor. He took your hand to him then kissed the back of it. 

"What did I do anyway?" You asked curiously. Actually, you want to know how the personalities were created but there was never a time this topic was brought up. 

"Well," He started while you felt him lightly squeeze your hand. "Jiro appeared when I was stalking you in the hospital, you were confined after the accident." He said sounding a bit guilty. You smiled at him while kissing the back of his hand. He gasped a little then saw him looking so flustered. "Your memory was wiped out and the only thing that I know from the new you was that you wanted a guy who can make you blush with his sweet words." 

"And Kim Jiro was born." You completed his story. 

He nodded with his lips pursed. "Mm Hm." 

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