XIII. I Love You

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"Yes, you're right, Y/F/N. I do have Disassociative Identity Disorder. I have 5 more different personalities living inside me."  

You were staring at him for the longest time as it slowly registered what he just said. DID? You thought that is never is true. But apparently, you're wrong. The one in front of you is the living proof of that unbelievable illness. 

"Are. . . you're . . ." You said trying to think of a way to respond to his revelation and there was nothing that you could think of. He walked near you with such a stern look on his face as he nodded. 

"Yes, you didn't hear wrong. I have DID. That's why I change mood when you're arou---" He stopped then cleared his throat. "In random circumstances." He said as his gaze never left yours.

"Is that why you acted so obnoxious and full of yourself at one moment then became a narcissistic asshole the next moment?" You asked as he looked at you weirdly. 

"Uhm, I-I guess you can say that." He answered sounding so unsure of his reply. He then looked away from you as he scratch the back of his head. You just nodded while forcing yourself to grin. 

He gave you a smile back as his face became so warm. That look. You know that. You are so sure that this was never the first time you have seen that smile of his. Not the first time that you've felt like your heart is gonna explode inside your chest. But during the span of time that you have met this guy, never have you noticed him give you the sincerest smile that you are seeing right now. This is weird. You're weird. 

"Are you gonna hate me now?" He asked in a worried tone. Your eyebrows met in the center as it showed nothing but confused on your face. 

"Do you think I'm that shallow, Kim Taehyung?" You said to him as his gaze went to you again. You slowly raised your hand in front of him then pat his head. "Why should I? And you're my friend aren't you?" 

His face l lighten up and a grin crept up on his face. 


"Why are you so complicated?! Don't you know you're the only one I love?! I fucking love you so much and this is all I get for it?" A loud voice shouted at you as you realized you were in the passenger's seat. Your heartbeat started rising as your eyes were looking back at the road and to the driver. The driver has a blurred out face. You can't quite grasp on how he look. You glanced at his hands and saw him tightly gripping on the steering wheel as you can feel the car was accelerating so fast. 

"Hey! Drive slowly or we'll go into a car accident!!!" You heard yourself shouting as you can see him changing lanes like he's a drag racer. Then on one second he didn't see the truck that was changing lane as well and your eyes grew wide as the truck came straight in your guy's car. 

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" You shouted as your whole body rose up and your eyes flung open. You scanned the whole room. You realized you were in your room and there is no truck coming to crash on you and there was definitely no one in the room beside you. You started panting for air as you heard your heartbeat on your chest. You can feel it pounding inside your chest as you hurriedly opened the drawer next to your bed and took two pills and gulped in one go. Your heartbeat slowly calmed down then as started breathing deeply. Slowly your tears fell down your eyes as you hugged your knees in front of your chest and cried out. 

Just who are you, Kim Taehyung? Why do you make me feel like this?


"Attention," You said as you scanned the whole class and saw then fixing up their posture. "Thank you so much." The teacher nodded then left the class. You sighed as you sat on your chair. 

"Problems?" You heard Carissa asked you as you leaned behind her. 

"A lot." You groaned. "I mean, we're already in University and why the fuck do we still have to act like we're in High School? There should be no presidents in University unless you're in the Student Council." You complained as your friend rolled her eyes on you in disbelief. 

"Do you want to step down? I'll gladly replace you, Y/N." You said as you sighed and look at your side and saw a tall young man with his specs looking so prim and proper.

"Dream on, Yuppie. Ain't gonna happen." Carissa said with a raised eyebrow looking at our classmate from head to toe. She then motioned him to go away as he stumped his feet slowly leaving us. "That's right keep going."

"Seriously, Carissa. Soon enough the whole campus is gonna hate us." You complained as you shaked your head in disbelief.

"At least we won't have fake friends." She countered as you slowly nodded in agreement. "Being fake is like acting. The only difference is that we don't get paid to those we fool. It's tiring. Definitely, not good for the heart and our pockets." She said as she pat you in the shoulder and stood up. "I'm gonna buy some food, you want anything?" 

"No thanks. I'm good. I need to catch up with the classes I missed." Carissa shrugged then left. You were left alone inside the classroom. You plugged in your earphones then started reading the lecture that you missed. Taehyung is not here which made you have mixed emotions. You don't know why you're feeling like you missed him when you're not even his girlfriend or something. 

You glanced at his seat as you can't help but remember the kiss that he did to you. You shook your head as you sighed out loud then went back to reading the lecture notes. Your heartbeat started beating fast as your head was filled with images of him. You shut your eyes tightly as you bit on your bottom lip as you glanced on his seat again. DID, huh? You closed your notebook then looked at his seat. You stood up and don't know what came to you when you decided to sit on his seat. This is stupid. Why are you getting all worked up on some new transfer student with a DID? You don't even know anything about him besides that. You started messing up your head in annoyance as you started overthinking things. Just what the hell is he to you!? This is making you frustrated. Then you froze a bit as another image flashed inside your head. It was almost like a memory. A vivid memory. 

You had your head laid on the table facing sideways while looking on someone on the side. You were smiling while looking at that person standing just beside your seat. You slowly reached out for his hand then held it. Your fingers slowly wrapped his as he slowly leaned close to you and leveled his head on yours. You saw him kissed the back of your hand as your heart started pounding inside your chest. 

"I love you." You whispered unknowingly. 

You saw him smile as you smile back. Then a face appeared in front of your eyes. Kim Taehyung. Your eyes widen as you hit reality. You gasped a little as your were staring straight in front of him. It feels as if your whole body was paralyzed as your eyes were fixed on his warm gaze. You saw him holding your hand tightly. He then placed it near his cheek as if feeling all the warmth it has. 

"I love you too, Y/N." 


Okay, guys . ..  I know this is all fluffy and shit, BUT I DON'T CARE!!!!

I mean we all need some sweetness after all the panties that I made wet. Kidding. Anyway, this is really the first time I tried writing such a fluffy scene and I hope you don't really mind.

Also, I feel like this story needs more polish---No, actually. I think my writing needs more polish. Cause this aint really good, I'll be honest with you. I feel like this story is lacking or maybe it's just me? What do you guys think? 

Anyway . . . As always. . 

See you on my next update


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