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You were screaming as you can feel all your insides being fried up. Your head feels as if it's burning. There were leather bands on your forehead, wrists and ankles. You scanned the whole room and there was nothing except your reflection looking so grotesque and awful. You smiled to yourself. How did you even end up in here anyway?

"Y/N! How many times do I have to tell you? Just tell me that you're gonna sign the marital papers and there's no need to do this anymore." You heard Sehun's voice echoing to the whole room. Now you remember, you were in his car and he made you drink a bottle of what you had thought was cola. Next thing you know you're already in an electric chair being tortured until you sign the papers he wants. But you can't. NO. These papers are not just a marriage certificate but a certificate that would make Sehun the sole heir of the company and the Association. Jiro had once said that your father was the most influential man in the entire business world. Not because of his business through his hotels and companies but his business underground. You smirked and thanked Jiro for giving you the heads up that you need to not sign this shitty paper that Sehun wants.


Days prior. . .

"You wanted to talk?" Jiro asked as he was sitting in front of you. He took a sip of the coffee he was drinking coffee then looked at you. You nodded. With so much curiousity written in your face. You want to know the truth. This time, the whole thing.

"I want to know everything."

"You should know by now that his personalities comes out when we see you right?" You nodded again. "V for when you're hurt, Me when you kiss me so tenderly-AH! Sweet sweet lips of my–"

"OKAY. I GET IT. I have soft lips." You cut him off as he pursed his lips together and continued what he was gonna say.

"To continue on, Tricia when you ignore him, Taehyung when you cry and lastly, the most dangerous one, Arwan, when he sees you bleeding looking lifeless on the ground." Arwan. The last name that striked you. It was as if you already heard about him even when you've never seen him yet.

"Y/N, you should know that the reason why V became like this was when he left you in that car. He became so timid and shut himself out from the world. Knowing that you cannot be beside him anymore, he just wasted all of his time either killing people, who might be a threat to your existence, or getting drunk. Basically, he was Arwan the whole time you were not with him." Jiro sighed then looked at Y/N. "He made sure that you were safe from any harm. And that's where he met you again. In the rain. When he was covered in blood. You brought his sanity back when you held his hand." You smiled just remembering what had happened during those years. Jiro held your hand and pulled it near him. He then kissed the back of it as your eyes widen in shock.

"JIRO!!" You complained pulling your hand back. You wiped the area that he kissed then glared at him. He just gave you a smile then winked.

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