XV. Here I Am

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"How did you know?" You heard him ask while playing with your finger that was holding his. You smiled at him in reply. He pouted then placed his chin on your shoulder. You leaned near him and held your smile. You were inside his apartment sitting on his side. 

"I just know." You replied as you heaved a huge sigh. "It's not everything. I'm only remembering some fragments of our memories." You added feeling a bit guilty. 

"Hah! And you said it was dreams." You chuckled a little as you messed his hair up. 

"Hey, I was --" Then you paused. You shifted your eyes from left to right then thought of the reason. That's right, why did you forgot about Taehyung in the first place? A flash of black and white images appeared right before your eyes as you held your head feeling a sudden throbbing inside it. You screamed out in pain as Taehyung held on your shoulder with a loud gasp.

"Y/N!!!" He called you but everything was all a slurred out noise. You saw him holding your face in his hands. Your tears started falling because of the pain you were feeling in your head. It feels as if it's gonna tear into two in a few seconds. "Tell me how can I help you?" He said sounding so worried as you looked at him with such a painful look. You reached for your bag and pulled out a bottle of medicine as you shakily gave it to Taehyung. He nodded and opened it. He then gave two pills to you as you swallowed it in one gulp. 


After a few minutes the pain slowly disappeared as you finally gained your consciousness. You sighed as you turned to look at Taehyung falling asleep while holding your hand near his lips. You can feel his warm breath near the back of your hand. You smiled at him as he his eyelids would slowly close then open. The fact that he's acting so affectionate towards you makes you feel like there isn't anything to worry about. Like there will never be a day that you will suffer. You gently shake his shoulder as he flinched a little then turned on your side. 

"How are you feeling, Y/N? Does your head still hurt? You want some water?" He asked as he scanned you. You shaked your head a bit then give him a small smile. You held his cheek then brushed your thumb in his cheek. You didn't say anything to him but just look at him. Feels like you were memorizing his face. Trying so hard not to forget his face again. You then slowly leaned towards his face as gave him a peck on the lips then leaned to look at him. 

"Thank you." You said barely in a whisper. He stood up and grabbed you a glass of water. You took it and gulped it in one go. He smiled shyly while looking elsewhere. Your heartbeat started raising while looking at him holding back his smile. You glanced at the window and realized it was dark already. You stood up and took your bag which was placed just on the table. "It's getting late and I need to go home." You said as you walked passed him and headed to the door. Taehyung rushed in front of you and stopped you. 

You backed away a little as he had his hands on your shoulder. "Stay." He said. He was breathing hard as if he got tired catching up to you. He was looking at you straight in your eyes. Your mind was already going ahead of yourself as you tried so hard to shake it off your head. you shut your eyes tightly and decided for yourself. 

"I can't. I have schoo---WE have school tomorrow and besides, I'm the president. I should be early coming in Class."

"What are you saying!? I mean having you as the president is already ridiculous. We're not in High School anymore. We're in a university already." You sighed and removed his hands on your shoulders. 

"I need to go home. My cousin is gonna get worried. He's like an overprotective dad." You said then walked towards the door. He held your hand back making you face him again.

"At least let me drop you off." He said while rushing to grab his keys from the fish bowl. Both of you walked towards the parking lot and went inside his car. He started the car and turned to you again. "Where is it again?" He asked with a grin on his face. You scoffed in disbelief and placed the address on the GPS. 


You got to your apartment which was minutes away from where he lives. You saw a tall slender young man pacing back and forth in the entrance of the building. You recognize that as Sehun as you quickly went out of the car rushing towards him. 

"Y/N!!!" He shouted with his eyes growing larger and larger while looking at you going to him. He glanced behind you and you catch a smirk from his face. 

"I had a little something to do. Sorry I was late." You said but he wasn't paying attention to you. He was looking at the person behind you. 

"You still won't stop, don't you. Kim Taehyung." He said as he rushed towards Taehyung throwing a punch right on his face. The latter fell on the ground as you rushed in between of them. You checked on Taehyung and saw his bursted bottom lip. You helped him stand up as you glared at Sehun. 

"THE FUCK WAS THAT OH SEHUN!?" You shouted as you saw him smirk cynically. 

"I don't really know how you do it, Kim Taehyung." He said with eyes that could kill a person. You took a gulp and never have you seen your cousin like this. "We already made a deal, didn't we? You're suppose to keep it." He said with a slightly raised eyebrows. You looked at the both of them in confusion as Taehyung gently pushed you towards Sehun. 

"You go rest and we'll talk tomorrow, okay?" Taehyung said as Sehun wrapped his arms around your shoulder as you forced yourself out of his hands. Sehun walked back a bit then looked at you. 

"Y/N!" He called you as he glared at you. "Now is not the time to act really childish." He said. You scoffed then glared at him. 

"Speak for yourself! You just punched an innocent man in the face." 

"Innocent?! Do you know how many people that innocent man kil--" He pressed his lips together then inhaled a deep breath. "Just get inside the house, Y/N. I don't want to argue anymore." He said then pushed towards the entrance. His was a bit hard that you fell on the ground and scraped your knee in the process. Both of the guys gasped as Sehun was the first to rushed towards you. "Oh shit! Sorry, Y/N. I didn't know you would be that weak."

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" You said in an unimpressed look on your face. Sehun was checking on your knee and it was bleeding really hard but you're not gonna die with just a gash. 

"How impressive, Oh Sehun." You heard Taehyung's deep hoarse voice said. You looked up and saw him smirk with his head titled. "You even said you won't hurt a single finger on Y/N and here you are scraping her knee." He run his fingers in his hair as you realized it wasn't Taehyung anymore. It was him. That vile man. Taehyung's darkness and vile personality. You glanced at Sehun and he smirked to himself then stood up. 

They were both staring at each other with unreadable expressions placed on their faces. Taehyung clenched his jaw a little and slightly touched his bleeding lip. 

"You punched like a kid." He said with a smirk on his face. Sehun kept his glare on him as look at the man in front of him from head to toe. 

"So we meet again huh?" You heard him said. You were just on the ground looking at the both of them. 



Sorry to all who might have waited for so long. It's weird how there is nothing coming out of my head when I was in front of my computer screen these past few days. Writer's block is real and is not a joke. I thought I can never write anything anymore. It was scary. Cause I don't want to disappoint you guys.

BUT! Here I am, and finally coming back. *exhales*

(The update that I was talking about is not this one but on another FF of mine)

See you on my next update.


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