XXXVII. Monster

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The rest of the guys were running amazingly fast trying so hard to avoid all the guards. No. Trying so hard to kill anyone who gets in their way.

"Seriously." Jin said while breathing hard, leaning on his knees for support. The other guys were busy clearing up the way. "How come they have too many guards nowadays? HEY!!! You guys don't know who we are? Our name should be legendary among you peasants." He said while kicking some guard's chest trying to move them out of his way. He then took out a thin curved knife then struck it right through the man's throat and pulled it out with blood splattering all over Jin's face. He then licked his dry lips covered with blood. "Ugh, Disgusting. He taste like shit!"

"Geez, Seokjin can you at least stop tasting people's blood as if they're food." Yoongi said in annoyance while swinging his arms from side to side in the air. He kept his eyes glued on the guards charging towards them. Within a blink of an eye, they were all decapitated and their knees were sliced all the way through. Blood splattered all over the place and most of it covered their eyes.

"AHH!! Yoongi-hyung!!!!" Jimin shouted while leaning behind him. "Can you at least make it a clean cut instead of splattering blood all over the place? If I was Hobi-hyung then I would have been partying but I'm not. So please?" Yoongi snickered then rolled his eyes on him.

"My bad." He said then the other guys began walking forward, stepping on the bloody scene as if they don't even care at all. Jungkook on the other hand was scanning the whole area already. He was checking if there will be surprise attacks by the Association. But thankfully there weren't any.

Jungkook then looked on his side and saw a fast moving bullet passed his ear. His eyes widen as he turned behind and looked at his members who might get shot by that bullet. Everyone felt the danger and instinctively avoided it. A clap suddenly echoed in the whole place as a familiar face appeared standing at the very tip of the destroyed pillar in the middle of the staircase.

"It still amazes me how you guys can avoid a fast bullet like that." The man said as smile appeared in his face. Namjoon scoffed sounding annoyed as he walked forward and blocked the other guys from moving further.

"He's mine," He said with his eyes glued at the man in front of him. He then smirked to himself while taking out the gun from the waistband of his jeans. He then aimed it right in front of the man standing a few meters away from him. "Long time no see, Wang Jackson. I see my brothers did not do enough damage on you."

The rest of the guys did not say anything and just exchanged glances at Namjoon and Jackson who were already fighting through their eyes.

"You guys need to go ahead of me. I'm gonna take care of this myself." Namjoon said to the guys while giving them a forced smile. His dimples almost piercing through his mouth.

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