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You were shaking as you kept on hearing the voice calling your name. You felt someone hit your head as hard as you can as you turned in shock to check who is behind you. 

"Y/N! What the actual fuck are you doing being all damsel in distress like that huh?" Your head slowly moved up and saw Sehun looking down at you with his hands on his waists. He rolled his eyes on you as he held out a paper bag in front of you. "My mom wants to give you some leftover side dishes. Geez, I even expected a thankful and just a damn 'don't touch me' is what I will get." Sehun complained as you slowly rose up from the ground and took the bag. It some packed kimchi and other side dishes. You rose up slowly leaning towards the door for support. 

"I thought you were the one following me from the Cafe." You said to him as you slowly unlocked the door and turn on the lights. You sighed to yourself as you put your bag on the side of the couch. 

"At least clean your room for once!" Sehun shouted from behind you as you saw him bumped you and walked towards the trash on the floor. He picked it up and put them on the garbage bag that was lying on the side. 

"I'll clean it up when I'll have my day off." You said as you headed to your room and closed the door. 


"So fucking disgusting." You heard a familiar voice saying while you were enjoying your sleep. "You should wake up, your highness or you'll be late for your class." 

Your eyes widen in shock as you rose up from your bed and hurriedly prepare yourself for school. You look at yourself in the mirror then realized how messed up you look. 

"OH SEHUN YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" You screamed out loud as you saw your face completely covered in black marker pen doodles then heard a loud laughter outside the bathroom door. You slammed the door open then rushed towards Sehun. "Is this a fucking mature thing a 22-year old man would do!?" He didn't say anything and just continued laughing out loud. You punched him on the stomach as he grunted a bit then headed towards the washroom again to remove all of the doodles in front of your face. 


"He put a dick on your cheeks?" A friend of yours said as she started choking on her sandwiches. 

"I'm fucking pissed at that childish motherfucker." You said as you had your face rested in your hand while looking at the window. You saw him practicing soccer along with his friends and saw from some girls squealing from a distance. 

"I mean he's hot, no arguing about that." You heard from your friend. Your head turned to her as you slammed both your hands on the table and glared at him.

"CARISSA!! You're suppose to be in my side!" You shouted as all eyes were on you. She rolled her eyes on you as you saw the teacher walking towards the your room. The students went to their respective seats as you stood up when they were all settled down and greeted the teacher. The other students followed you as the teacher started discussing.

"So we have a new student coming in to class." The teacher started as you saw them anticipating the new student cheerfully. You sighed and just focused on reading a book. You heard loud footsteps as you heard some girls giggling and squealing secretly. 

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