XXIII. Saving Her

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"Where is she?" Soohyuk asked the man standing in front of him. The man smirked cockily then bowed slightly to greet him.

"She's inside." He answered as Soohyuk did not think twice and opened the door. He saw you sitting on the edge of the bed with your back facing him. You are in Soohyuk's guest house. The place has always been like a second home to you but right now, you feel as if you are a stranger who doesn't want to go inside a suspicious house. You turned your head slightly and saw the last person who you want to be with in this situation.

You did not say anything and just tried to remove the rope tied on your wrists.

"YOU TIED HER!?" Soohyuk's voice blasted through the whole room as most of them flinched a bit. You turned to look at him with a glare then went to look at the man who claim to be V's cousin.

The man shrugged then pouted. "What do you want us to do when she's trying to kill herself for the last few days. That girl's crazy."

Soohyuk looked at you as he lowered himself to look at you in eyes. "Let's go home." He has the same warm look that you have always loved but right now, when everything is so clear to you, you don't feel anything to him at all. He held your shoulder as you scoffed nudging his hand that was on your shoulder. 

"Come on, Y/N. You don't have to do this. We're gonna get married anyway. You don't have to ignore me like this."

Your jaw hang open in surprise as you look at him in disbelief. "Did you just say married? Hey, Lee Soohyuk. You should know that I made a mistake even entertaining you during our college years." He felt silent. Lee Soohyuk is the man who was in your Art Class that you had always helped out.  "I regret even helping you out in class."

"You know that you're just saying that but you love my company." He said playing some strands of your hair in his fingers then began twirling it. You tried pulling away from him looking at him in disgust. You looked away and felt like someone pulling your hair roughly. You grunted in pain as you saw Soohyuk's face turned ice cold. He pulled your hair closer to him as you can feel his warm breathing blowing in the side of your ear. 

"You're not going back to that retarded jerk, cause I fucking own you."

"No one owns me, Lee Soohyuk. You don't fucking own anyone here. You maybe filthy fucking rich but you will never buy a person. Unless they're stupid enough to be sold to some good for nothing spoiled brat." You said to him as you saw him face twitched a little. He kept his straight face on masking the annoyance that he was feeling inside. 

"It's better to shut up right about now, Y/F/N cause you don't want me getting mad now do you?" He said as he titled his head while smirking cynically. 

"Or what? What? You're gonna transform like the Hulk and smash this whole room? Well, by all means please do." You said as you heard a snicker from the guys that was standing on the door frame. Soohyuk shifted his eyes to them as they instantly stopped.

"You better shut your mouth, Y/N or I might have to do it for you." He said as you did not even flinch with his glares at you. "I'm a very selfish man, Y/N. You should know that. If you continue to not follow what I'm saying. Then I might have to do this my way."

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