III. Who are you?

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"I see you're still alive," Sehun said to the man in front of him. He scanned him from head to toe then scoffed out loud. "V." 

He smirked at Sehun who was not amused at what he's looking at. 

"As you can see," He said with a smirk as he run his fingers through his hair. "I'm surprise you still remember my face after how many years." He was smiling so cynically at Sehun and the guy was pissed with just the sight of him. 

"Don't even think about approaching her or even touching the tips of her hair cause I will kill you even if Taehyung hates me for it." Sehun said as V started laughing as stepped into the light. He was smiling at Sehun so proudly then he lifted his chin up slightly. He has the same face as Taehyung but his hair was brushed up a bit which revealed most of his forehead. There was a scar right above his left eyebrow and Sehun was not surprise about it at all.

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"Oh, Taehyung already tried to kill me but he didn't succeed. So how can a low-life like you stop me from going towards her? She belongs to me and she needs to realize that." V said while the man in front of him was speechless. He protected Y/N for almost 10 years and had Taehyung leave Seoul. But V won't stop. 

"You're an annoying motherfucker." Sehun said to him as V chuckled and went near him to pat his shoulder. 

"Well, annoying can be very fun too, you know?" He said as he bumped into the side of his shoulder and started walking away from him. "I'll make sure I'll take a picture of Y/N when I see her." He shouted as Sehun turned to him and held on his fist tightly. 

She needs to stay away from that monster.



You heard a familiar nursery rhyme. There were two voices singing it. You know for certain that it was your voice but the other one sounds like a boy's. A boy that you can't quite figure out just who it is. He doesn't sound like Sehun's but you were sure it was a young boy's voice. 


"Huh? Why did you stop?" You heard your voice said. It was your voice when you were young. The sound of a little girl. It was a bit dark and so you cant quite figure out who the little boy was. He didn't say anything and just started crying. 

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