XXXVI. Boy Meets. . .

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V and the others were standing meters away from The Association and scoffed in annoyance. The building is placed deep within the forest. No one knew about its existence even the government and the police. Only the elites and members of it are allowed to. It looks like an rundown building were the ceilings are about to collapsed but at the bottom of that deserted building comes the base of the scariest most brutal people in the planet.

"And just when I thought I will never set foot at this shit place." Jimin groaned in annoyance, scratching the back of his head. V scanned the whole room and realized that there was a lot of guards roaming around the entrance.

"It'll be a shit show if we just fight them head on." Jin suggested with a slightly cautious voice. He walked slowly in the front to get a clearer voice. "We need a distraction." He said as there a loud clap not far from where they were hiding.

"HEEEYYYYYYYY GUUUUUUUYSSS!!!!!" The man shouted while swinging his arms around as if trying to catch all the guards' attention. And it did.

"That works too." Jin said while leaning over to look at the man creating the diversion. The guys took a closer look on the man creating all the ruckus. Their jaws fell open when they realize on who it was. It was Hoseok. He was grinning as a swarm of guards came towards him. He stood straight in the middle of the guards and was wearing his rain coat and boots on as if there is gonna be a rainstorm.

"YOU GUYS TOLD HOSEOK WE'RE GOING FOR A HUNT?! WHO'S THE FUCKING DUMBASS THAT CALLED HIM?" Jin said in a loud whisper. He leaned behind the others and looked at them one by one. They were all looking surprise as all eyes suddenly went to Jungkook, realizing that those two go to university together. Jungkook nodded nonchalantly then shrugged. "Nice going, dumbass. Now we'll have a fucking flash flood here at The Association's gates. I told you not to do that! UGH! What did you say!?" Jungkook pulled out his phone and showed them their conversation.

You assholes be going hunting without me! You even decided to go to The Association on top of that! Just you wait and Imma get my fucking rain boots. Kookie! Tell them I'm making sure there will be a storm coming. ;) -JH

"Look what you did! Look what you did!" Jin said as he held on the youngest collar tightly. He sounded irritated but half joking as well. "I aint cleaning any messes he makes in this place." He said as Yoongi snapped them out to reality.

"You guys be asking for a distraction and now that you got it you still complain like an idiot. You better fucking go already instead of staying here like a bunch of dumbass. I'm heading out." He said as he rose up staying away from the guards' radar. The other guys followed and saw that Hope is surrounded with about 30 or 50 guys.

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