XX. Truth and The Lie

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"That rainy day. . . It wasn't the first time I've met you." He said while looking straight into your eyes. You look even more confused as no words were even possible to describe this situation. How can he say that that rainy day was not your first meeting? Those memories were so important to you. 

"That rainy day was just one of the days that remained in your head as our first meeting." He sighed out loud as he held the side of your face affectionately. "I've known you since you were a kid. I was that shameless bastard who was always following orders from your father. Whether it be a simple task like buying some more flowers for your mom's garden or . ." He paused as his gaze left yours. He shaked his head slightly then walked away from you. "Forget it." 

"Stop! Where do you think your going?" You said as you held his arm back as he was already outside of the building. He pulled away and did not say anything. He began walking away from you again but you once again pulled away again. "KIM TAEHYUNG!!! YOU FUCKING TELL ME THIS INSTANT OR YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" You shouted as he stopped and scoffed out loud. 

"You know what, Y/N. I would rather get killed by your hands than other people." He said then turned towards you again. "I love you so much but once you know what kind of person I am. You'll rather steer clear away from me."

"No more lies." You said as you went near him and held his face. His tears started to fall and that was the moment you saw how weak and vulnerable this man is in front of you. 

"I don't want to loose you." He said as he held your hand that was holding his face. "But I know you don't want me lying to you." He held his head up and look at you in the eyes again. "Y/N, I'm your father's. . ."

His grip on your hand tightened as he slowly took a deep breath and continued what he was gonna say. 

"I'm your father's errand boy." He said as his face looked so hurt. "I am the person who he calls when he . . . he needs to eliminate someone." 

"When you mean eliminate. . Do you mean. .?" He nodded slowly as your hand on his face fell down. Kill. That was the only word that was echoing inside your head. The memory of him visiting you in the hospital covered in blood flashed right before your eyes. 

"What have my father done?" You said as your shaking hands slowly covered your gasps. 

"That was to atone to the sins my family had done to your family." He said as you felt your knees getting weak but you grabbed all the courage that you need to make stand up straight. "Do you really think your mom died because of cancer? Do you really think your dad had always neglected you as his daughter all these years?" He asked you as your head was filled with nothing but black images. 


"Y/N, Look at me. Your mom didn't die of her sickness." He said as he held both your arms in his hands. "My family pushed your mom to kill herself--NO, my family killed your mother."

Your tears started to form in your eyes as there was nothing but Taehyung's words echoing inside your head over and over again. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I should have told you sooner, but I fell in love with you. I fell for someone who I'm not allowed to. And that's why I can't bring myself to tell you the truth. Our household were known to be the family of killers. No one had ever fought back against us since they were all scared of us. My family decided to take control of your father's assets so they went against him. In the end, they lost and your father gave my family the option to leave and never to show our faces to him ever again or die. But my family was already consumed with greed and hatred towards your father and his property and as their final straw, they threatened to kill you or your mom. Your father chose you as this was your mother's only request. Your father did everything in his power to make you forget about this experience. He wanted that so you won't be hurt. " He said as your tears were already falling just with all these things being said to you. 

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