XI. Hypnosis

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5 years had already passed since you stepped on this office. It was that time of your darkness. You don't even know why you have that weird sickness in the first place. Hypnagogic hallucinations. This disorder happens when you are conscious and awake and yet your brain thinks that you are still sleeping resulting to you seeing dreams while awake. It was a weird disease that you had when you were 18 years old. It was a few years after your mom's death but as you had remembered, your father said that you were having some panic attacks within those years and so he had to consult you to a specialist. You opened the glass door and was welcomed by two familiar faces. The same faces you had always seen when you're undergoing a treatment.

"Oh? Y/N? You're here?" You heard one of them said. You forgot their names but you know their faces quite well. You gave them a smile as you walked near them.

"Is Doctor Bang here?" You asked as they nodded in reply. One of the girls were typing on the computer and paid the least attention to you.

"You're in luck." The woman typing earlier said while removing her eyes on the screen and looked at you. "He's available for consultation for an hour right now. His patient changed their appointment time." She added while going through the file cabinet then took out what seems to be your file. "Follow me." She said then lead you to his office. You scanned the whole clinic and it was still the same. The smell of disinfectant mixed with incense reeks the whole place. The woman knocked on the door twice then opened the door. There was a tall man sitting in the leather chair with a puzzled look as he saw you.

"Y/N?" He asked in surprise. The woman left after giving him the folder. You gave him a small smile as he stood up from his seat made his way to the couch. "Please sit. To what do I owe this visit?" You took a seat and took a deep breath.

"It's coming back again. Those nightmares." You said as his eyes widen slightly then quickly diverted his eyes elsewhere.

"Ah, yes. Those dreams." He repeated as if he had already forgotten all about it. He then took the folder and opened it. "Hypnagogia. Is it?" He confirmed and you nodded.

"I was okay for the last five years." You said with a confused look on your face. "I don't know what happened. It just resurfaced again." You explained while looking at him. You saw one of his eyebrows rose up as if he found something interesting.

"It says here you were suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and that's why you had that kind of sickness." He said while glancing back at you then to the file. "Do you perhaps remember anything about that trauma? Maybe something triggered your consciousness and that's why your memori---dreams. I apologize," He said while clearing his throat. "Your dreams resurfaced again." He explained as he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Trigger?" You asked as he gave you a nod. Taehyung's face flashed before your eyes as you fell back on the couch. "C-Can it be a person?" You asked as his eyes slowly widen. He gave all your attention to you while closing the file then put it down on the desk.

"Yes, it can be a person. Tell me what happened during the span of the five years, Y/F/N." He said. You took a deep breath then look at him again. You're ready to tell him what had happened to you if it means you being well again. 


"The president is not here?" The teacher said as she entered the room and saw that the vice president was the one who greeted her.

Carissa raised her hand up and nodded. "She had to go to the hospital cause she got sick during the weekend." The teacher heaved a huge sigh then started the class. Carissa on the other hand is worried sick on where her friend is. She pulled her phone out and texted Y/N asking where she is.

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