XLII. Oh Sehun

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I was all alone ever since I was born. My parents did not care on how I was. They only cared about their dying company. And so I always was always surrounded with nothing but a facade of faces.

Everything changed when I visited my uncle. I was 10 when I first met her. It was still fresh in my mind when we first met. She was 8 back then. I thought that she was the cutest girl I have ever seen. Her smile can bring so much warmth and light in a dark room. She lighten my whole world. I was always quietly watching her. I thought I was the only who thinks this way, but I was wrong. A young man, same age as her appeared in front of my dearest cousin and stole her from me.

I learned that his name was Kim Taehyung. He had the same personality as my cousin which easily broke down her walls and they became inseparable. Again, I was alone.


"Sehun, Isn't that Y/N?" One of my teammates said while nudging his head slightly, motioning me to look behind him. I leaned my head to the side and saw you running towards me. You had that silly distress expression on your face. I have never seen you like that. I felt something different inside my heart. Like it's tightening. I think that was the moment I fell for you.

"Since your cousin's here. We'll leave you now." I nodded to them as my eyes were still on you who looks so worried for me.

"Are you okay? I heard you sprained your ankle. You need to be more careful!" I heard you nag me. I smiled to you but you couldn't see that. I was only looking at you but you don't know that. You know what else you don't know?

"I love you." I whispered to myself while staring straight at you. But you couldn't hear that cause you were busy checking up my ankle.

Do you know how much I loved you? I bet you don't. Cause you love him. You love him so much that you would do everything just for him to look at you. Just like me.


"That dude Taehyung is such a cockblock." I heard Soohyuk said while dropping his book bag on the floor then collapsed on the bed right next to mine. I finished typing my homework and turned to him.

"Shouldn't you be aware that that guy will not leave my cousin's side even for a second. Unless," I said as an idea popped inside my head. Soohyuk rose up from his bed then looked at me with so much anticipation.

"Unless what?"

"Unless we break his heart" I said while smiling coyly.


"Are you Y/F/N's guardian? This is *** Hospital. We couldn't contact any of her parents. She was in a car accident and the car that she was riding on fell on a river. She's in the OR right now." I froze from where I was standing and felt all the energy that I have left my body as I leaned on the wall. This wasn't what I want. This is not what I want to happen. I want Taehyung to break up with her and she'll hate Soohyuk for that. Then she'll come running to me. The only one who cares for her. NO. Not like this.

I clenched my fist as I watched the light of the operating room close then soon came out the doctor. I walked towards him as he looked at me in his stoic face.

"She's okay for now. Her vital signs have become stable but she hit her head in the accident. She might have a concussion as a result. Worst thing would be brain damage. Let's just hope for the best on her recovery." The doctor explained as I thanked him and he left.

I was worried sick for her. The thought of you dying is already killing me. Don't leave me. You're the only one I got.

Then you woke up with no recollections of Kim Taehyung. The doctor said it's Selective Amnesia due to your car accident and soon you'll recover those in a span of year. But I don't want that to happen. I want you to look at me only. So I made you go to that psychiatrist to completely wipe out your mind with Taehyung.

I thought I will never lose you anymore. I thought my days will be only filled with nothing but you but I guess my happiness must come to an end when he came back.


"I see you're still alive, V." I said to him as my eyes were not playing on me. It is Taehyung. I heard from one of his friends that Taehyung suffered a mental illness because of the accident. D.I.D I think was what he's diagnose with.

"You're an annoying motherfucker." I said to him as V chuckled and went near me patting my shoulder.

"Well, annoying can be very fun too, you know?" He said as he bumped into the side of my shoulder and started walking away from me. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "I'll make sure to take a picture of Y/N when I see her." He shouted as as I turned around and glared. I held on his fist tightly holding my anger.

"I'll make sure you won't have your fucking happy ending, you sick fuck." I shouted towards him. And I'll get the happy ending that I want. I pulled my phone out and dialed someone's number. "Park Jinyoung, gather the guys and we'll be taking over the office underground. Kill anyone who doesn't follow my orders. Kill even the ones close to them. Do you understand?" I said to the guy on the other line as he replied with a simple yes.

We were all okay when Taehyung was not here but why does he have to come back and ruin everything again. She's mine now. I can't let anyone take her away from me.


I asked Soohyuk's help again and since that guy is head over heels for my cousin he did not hesitate to help me. But turns out he was also useless, dying so horribly inside my cousin's room at that!

However, Since Soohyuk died and the Lee's share for The Association were passed on to the Han's. Another idea popped inside my head. And this time I want it to work.

I need to take over The Association and kill that sick psychopath. With that, no one can oppose to what I do and Taehyung will not be there for Y/N anymore. She'll be with me. She won't go anywhere that I can't see her. And we'll be happy just like before.


I felt a sudden pain on my stomach as I hit reality. I groaned as I saw Taehyung in front of me with the looks of a killer. He wasn't V nor Taehyung. He looks like a different person. He's the grim reaper.

I never felt so much pain in my entire life until this idiot cut me like there is no tomorrow. I closed my eyes feeling his sword pierced from my stomach right through my throat. This wasn't the death that I wanted. I wanted to die lying next to my cousin while she held my hand with so much tears flowing down her eyes. But I guess I can't even ask for that since I brought so much pain to her and to those she values here in this world.

"I love you. . Y/N." I said gently. I slowly closed my eyes turning towards Y/N's side who had her head turned away. I smiled to myself as I slowly felt my body falling down the ground. Goodbye, Y/F/N.

One of the regrets this stupid cousin of yours has, is he never told you thank you for being with him when everyone left.



Don't hate Sehun too much. I made him the bad guy to let everyone know that loving someone is beautiful and scary at the same time. Beautiful because of the amazing things it can do to a person's life. Scary for it can be so dangerous for themselves. There is nothing to be afraid in loving someone. It's just that sometimes, we need to accept that people might not love us the same way that we love them. Love does not have to be mutual. Loving someone means that you want them to happy whether they're with you or with someone else.

(Clearly, Sehun does not know that. LOL)

Okay! Enough being dramatic and all!

See you on my next update,


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