VIII. Jiro Kim

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It was a kiss! It was a freaking lips to lips action. You blinked a few times while looking at Taehyung's shocked eyes. You pulled away from him as you rushed towards the living room holding your chest.

You were panting so hard as if you were running out of breath. What was that? Did that really happened? What did you just do, Y/F/N!? You shouted at yourself as closed your eyes tightly. You heard his footsteps slowly coming towards you. You felt a heavy weight on your shoulder. You turned on your side saw Taehyung with his arm around your shoulder.

He titled his head slightly and looked at you with a cunning smile. You shifted your gaze elsewhere as you felt your chin being dragged towards his direction. You looked at his eyes and it seems as if it wants to swallow you whole.

"I didn't know I have such a beautiful guest in my house." He said then pulled away from you to get a good look at your face. He touched your shoulder then run his fingers down to your arm and held on your hand. He then pulled it and kissed it as if greeting a princess. Your eyes widen as you froze in your place. What is happening again?

"The name's Jiro, Kim Jiro. And your name must be Rose cause you're so beautiful to look at but dangerous to touch." He said while bowing in front of you with poise. Like prince introducing himself. You wanted to throw up the noodles that you just ate with what he just said to you but you held it in.

He then run his fingers through his hair making it part into the middle. He then pulled out a pair of round glasses from his pocket then gave you a smile. You took a step back as you became weirded out by the way he's acting right now. Now, he even calls himself a different name? Like what the fuck is happening with this guy? And where the fuck did he get the freaking Harry Potter glasses! Is he freaking Doraemon or something!?

"Uhh, no. My name's not Rose. It's Y/N. Kim Taehyung, can you stop joking? You're making me creeped out. I don't like this." You said as you slowly backed away from me.

"Taehyung? My older brother? Oh! That answer's the Hawaiian shirt. Geez, he does really not know how to be a romantic. Unlike me." He said while flipping his hair all coolly. You backed away with an obvious weird out face. He then titled his head then slided--Like literally, slided-- himself towards you. You backed your head away with wide eyes. You took a gulp then saw him extending his arm towards you as he pushed some of your stray hair on the back of your ear. Then saw a rose near your ear. What the fuck is going on? He then smelled the rose that came out of fucking nowhere. You held your ear touching it as if there might be more roses coming out of it. "A pretty flower for a pretty lady like you." He said then held out the rose in front of you while giving you a wink. Your jaw fell at that as you hurriedly went to the door. You felt his hands holding you back as you slowly turned your head towards him.

"Leaving already?" He said as he pulled your hand making you land on his chest hard. You held your head up looking at him. He moved his finger side to side gesturing a 'don't do that' to you. "What a naughty girl."


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"Kim Taehyung, there is seriously wrong with you." You said while pushing your body away from him but he was strong. He tightened his grip on your waist as he slid both of your bodies towards the living room. He reached for the remote control while holding you in his other arm. What is he planning now?

A soft sound came from the speakers as he pulled away from you slightly while bowing like a prince. AGAIN. The tune was so familiar to you and yet you forgot what song it is.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked while holding out his hand in front of you.

"No you may not. I'm going home." You said while turning your back on him as the music continued playing.

We're the king and queen of hearts
Hold me when the music starts
All my dreams come true
When I dance with you

"Come on. I've been waiting for this day." You heard him whined. You look back at him and he was pouting as you heaved a sigh then shake your head. What the heck!? I didn't sign up for this shit!

"Still a no." You said while starting to walk away from him. "I need to go home." You froze when you saw him slid in front of you again then sung the chorus with all his heart. He slowly held your hand then placed one on his shoulder as the other one to hold. This is bullshit! This is too greasy for someone like me. You know what, it's just once dance anyway. Fuck my life! It's never that good anyway.

Did I dream that we danced forever
In a wish that we made together
On a night that I prayed would never end?

You know it's not my imagination
Or a part of the orchestration
Love was here at the culmination
I'm the king and you're the queen of hearts

You closed your eyes as he started swinging and turning you around. What am I doing with my life? You said to yourself as you saw Taehyung enjoying himself. He was so into it like a fucking idiot. The song ended with him holding you close swaying you side to side.

"So. . ." You started. "Can I go home now?" You asked as he pulled away from you slightly while holding your shoulders still.

"Can you stay for the night? I mean it's raining and I can't have my princess getting sick." He said while looking all flustered and shit. You wanted to throw up right at that moment. He's too much. This guy must be crazy.

"HEY! Kim Taehyung! Stop all these cheesy charades cause it's making my stomach turn in a very disgusting way." You said as he exhaled out loud then pouted acting all cutesy.

"I told you, princess. It's Jiro. Kim Jiro. Jiro meaning the 'second son' in Japanese, okay? Get it straight!" He said as you gritted your teeth in annoyance.

"I don't care about the meaning of your damn name! Shut the fuck up!" You said as he gasped in shock so dramatically.

"I'm hurt! Why would you say that to me!?" He shouted as he pushed you hard on the ground making you fall and hit the glass table with a loud thump. He rushed towards you in worry. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I--" Then he gasped as he saw your shoulder bleeding. You looked at your shoulder as you clenched your teeth tightly feeling the aching pain in your wound.

"Yah! Jiro, Taehyung or who the fuck you are, you should grab a first aid kit right about no-- huh?" You looked at Taehyung and his face changed. His expression was cold and cynical right now. It was the same expression to the guy who ripped your shirt without thinking twice. Your heart beat started rising up in fear as you saw his change of attitude. He's clearly not Taehyung or that Jiro guy. He smirked then run his finger through his hair now fixing his hair up, revealing most of his forehead and his scar near the left eyebrow.

You were totally consume with his eyes as a name came across your mind.

"V." You said slowly as he smirked proudly then pulled you close to him. With your faces just inches away from each other.

"Good to see you again, kitten."


Yes, another update. How do you like about our new character . . . errr personality? Anyway, I hope you like this update!

See you on my next one!


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