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"It's V, you clueless spoiled kid." You heard V said as you let out a loud breath. You saw V pulling the knife closer to Soohyuk's neck. He turned to you with a hint of worry but maintained his cold expression. "Sorry, I was late kitten. Something decided to stop me for a little bit." 

Your eyes were already filled with tears and that feeling of relief. You breathed out and as soon as he pulled Soohyuk away from you, you fell on your knees. V turned the man towards him and pushed him down the floor. He looks at the man below him with so much anger and hatred. "I told you." V started as Soohyuk just had his grin pasted in his face. "I don't fucking miss. This knife is going straight through your fucking head. And you won't have time to beg your life with me." He added as the man did not say anything and was just smiling so cynically under V's hand. He totally lost it and you're sure that you're regretting every single day you've spent with this awful man in front of you. 

V raised his arm up and was about to stab the knife when you saw a tall man behind V. He took out a gun and pointed it at him. V was froze. You gasped out loud placing your hands on your mouth. You look at the figure of the man carefully and saw who he was. It was the guy who is apparently was V's cousin. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, cousin." He said as V did not even turned around and just smirked. "You do know what you're gonna cause if you kill this rich kid right?"

"And do you think I care one bit about it?" He said as he raised his knife again and was about to stab him when his cousin clicked the gun and shouted at V. 

"FUCKING HELL!! V!! THE ASSOCIATION IS GONNA KILL YOU!!! THEY'RE GONNA GO FOR YOUR FUCKING HEAD!!" V's cousin shouted at him as he pushed the gun to his head. "You should know better! You always get the bounty for the rogues in the Association. I might need to kill you cause the price on your head is fucking more than what I get from them." 

A cynical laugh echoed the whole room as you all realized who it came from. It was from Soohyuk. His eyes were blank as he had this wicked grotesque face as if he's enjoying those two guys' conversation. 

"That's right, Kim Taehyung. You can't kill me. I am higher than  you in the hierarchy. You can't even make that knife touch the tip of my hair cause that cousin of yours works for me and he loves the money I give him."

Both of the guy's eyebrows rose as they looked at the man below them. V's cousin scoffed out loud as he pulled the gun away from V's head. 

"I changed my mind. You do whatever you want. I mean I can't even kill you until the Association gives out the bounty on your ass." He said with a shrug. He went to Soohyuk and squat in front of him. "Hey cheap rich kid, I'm already telling you that my cousin is savage when it comes to killing people. You'll be fucking swimming in your own blood in 10 seconds after I leave. He doesn't do the let's bargain kind of shit." He said as he pat his head and walked away. 

"Just saying that I ain't no snitch so I did not see this shit. I wasn't here." V's cousin said with a loud sigh. He placed his gun on the waistband of his jeans then headed to the window. He turned to V for the last time. "You fucking be ready when the Association comes at you cause they won't rest until you're dead. Well, that is unless you kill every single one of them. I mean you're good at killing spree anyway." He said while turning to look at you. He gave you a wink then smiled. "You take care of my cousin for me. Give him that humanity that he needs. And PLEASE stop him later when he stabs the shit out of this sick fuck. You guys did not see me here. I did not see you here. I was at home eating chips while listening to Childish Gambino, okay? Good."

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