XXXI. No More Lies

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"Kim Taehyung is not the prime. He's only a part of the prime. Just like all of us." He said as the whole room was quiet. You can't think of anything to say after what he had said to you. You were too surprise. "You look surprise, my love." He said to you as he twirled your hair in between his fingers. 

"I need to know the whole truth." You said to him as you looked at him in a serious manner. He blinked his eyes a couple of times looking so puzzled. 

"Didn't your cousin explained it to you?" He asked you as you shook your head disagreeing to what he said. 

"He just explained me about V's job. He did not do any justice with how you guys came to be." You said to him as he stood up and held out his hand in front of you. 

"Let's talk somewhere else. I don't think the cold wooden floor will be comfortable to talk to a pretty girl like you." He said to you as you took his hand then helped you stand up. He led you to the living room and offered you a cup of tea. 


"So here it is, princess. I am all yours." He said with a weird grin on his face. 

"I just want to the truth. How Taehyung had all these personalities. And how come Taehyung is not the main one." You asked him. He did not say anything and just smiled. He then leaned towards you and pat your head. 


"Y/N, you need to help him. I know you're the only one who can do it. You're the reason for him changing anyway." You heard Jiro said. A smile came on his face as he looked at you as if it were the last. It's not like his same old dramatic gesture but this time it's a bit different. "Now that I explained everything to you, you know how to cure him." He started. He took a deep breath then looked at you in contentment. "I may be the second child here but damn am I the most mature one." You rolled your eyes on him as you scoffed out loud. 

"I can hear freaking V calling from me." You heard him say as he laughed dryly. "This motherfucker won't even stop give me time to flirt with you." You laughed at him as you nod your head. 

"Okay, Let me see him now." He said as you smiled then held his face. He gasped out loud as his head fell on top of your shoulder. You gently pat the back of his head. 

"I'm surprised." You heard him say. His warm breath blowing on your shoulder as it made you feel a different feeling inside your stomach. "You are not weirded out with the personality disorder that I have." He said as he raised his head up and looked at you in the eyes. You smiled at him then gave him a sudden kiss. He was caught off guard but eventually kissed you back. He pulled away slightly then blinked his eyes, trying to grasp what just happened. 

"Well," You began playing with his hair. "I think that's your charm." You said with a smile. He smiled at you as he held on your arm to stop you. 

"Did he tell you?" You heard him ask. You hummed a yes then he pulled you closer to him. "So now you know. . ." He said as he leaned closer to your face and you slowly closed your eyes waiting for his lips to touch his. "That I'm the prime." 

Then he kissed you. He started sucking on your bottom lip as you can feel a weird sensation inside your stomach. All of your senses never felt alive at this very moment. You pulled him closer to you. He lifted you up placing you on top of him. You moved slightly as you felt his bulge below you. He moaned inside your mouth and you took this chance to insert your tongue inside of his. You both battled for dominance until his hand squeezed one of your breast and you gave up fighting, letting him do what he wants. His hands pulled the dress shirt that you were wearing as the buttons flew off to God knows where. 

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