XXII. Missing Her

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"Get ready."

His voice echoed inside your head as you were looking at his sleeping face. No sleeping, huh? You said to yourself as you held your smile. You reached your hands to touch the side of his face as you stare at him as if he is gonna disappear with just a blink of an eye. 

You slowly slid off the bed and thought about making breakfast. You stood up and took a shirt from Taehyung's closet and staggered your way to the kitchen.  Well, he did make you stay up all night. Now you're sore out and barely moving. You opened the cupboards with a silly face on your face. You shook your head while remembering what happened last night. 

"So this is where my pretty little cousin keeps his golden goose. It's very nice to have finally met you, Han Y/N." You heard a voice said. It was a very unfamiliar voice but enough to make you tremble in fear. Your eyebrows crossed in confusion as you quickly turned your head and before you were able to look at who was talking behind you, your vision started to get blurry as you felt someone covering your mouth. You inhaled a strong chemical and saw a figure of a man walking towards you from the living room. Then you blacked out. 



I woke up feeling the sun hitting my skin. I stretched my arm and was welcomed with an empty side of the bed. I pouted and tried to open my eyes. There was no Y/N lying on the bed. I sighed and rose up slowly. Maybe she's in the kitchen? I asked myself as I opened the door with a wide smile on my face. Just the thought of her cooking breakfast for me is already making me excited. I walked towards the kitchen and saw nothing but an empty apartment. My smile instantly disappeared. 

It was kind of eerie. It was too quiet. I took a deep breath and was about to walk towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water when my eyes caught a familiar figure from the couch. I clenched my jaw while walking to the kitchen counter taking the knife just below the table.

"Well, Well." A voice said that I am so sure on who it is. My grip on the knife tightened as I tried stab him on the back but he was quick enough to move away. He walked back and distanced himself from me. I was already shaking in anger as I can clearly see who this motherfucker is. "You gotta be faster than that. Getting rusty are we?" He said as he removed his hoodie and mask. "But seriously, you're gonna do that to someone like your cousin? I'm hurt, cousin."

I scoffed in anger as run my hands in my hair. "What the fuck are you doing here, Minjae?"

"I'm just here to do a job asked by the Lee Soohyuk. Nothing personal. Don't get mad." He said casually shrugging his shoulder. "But, let me borrow your girlfriend for a little while."

"I'm gonna kill you if you touch a single strand on her hair." I threatened as I glared at him.

"Woah, hold your horses. I won't kill her." He said flailing his arms up in the air. "Yet."

"KIM MINJAE!!" I shouted at him as I charged towards him and aimed my knife right on his neck. He dodge it so easily and hit my stomach hard. The punch was stronger than I anticipated that I fell on my knees coughing up blood.

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