XVIII. Mansion

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"I won't let you go even if you push me away, Kim Taehyung." You said to yourself as all the memories that you've lost came back in one go. The accident which cause the both of you to separate. The reason why you don't recognize him. The memories that you once thought were dreams. Taehyung helped you lay on your bed again as he stood there beside you. He gave you a kiss on the forehead then began walking away. "Are you not staying here?"

He stopped. He slowly turned to your side again. You heard him scoffed slowly.

"You can't see me like this. No, not like this." He said then headed towards the window again. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared. The whole room was pitch black and there is nothing to see but the moonlight shining the side of your bed. You held your hand in the light and saw some traces of blood on them. It was from Taehyung's and you are sure about that. What happened to him? Did he get hurt? My Taehyung? You said to yourself.



The continuous flow of water from the faucet echoed in the whole bathroom. I looked at myself and see nothing but crimson red. Disappointment. And fear. A fragment of memory came inside my head as I realized what I have done. I'm scared. I whispered to myself as my head hung low.

"See that's what you're always going to be, Taehyung? A scaredy cat. A coward. Someone who doesn't know when to fight back and when to protect the people you love." I heard a voice said. I looked up and saw V looking as if mocking me. "Y/N is never in love with you. She fell in love with me and not you. Cause we both know that I can protect her and all you can do is kiss her in the forehead and escape from the danger. That's what you're good at."

"NO. NO!!!!" I shouted as I punched the mirror right in front of me. The broken shards fell down the sink as some of it remained on my knuckles. The pain that I'm feeling from the wound is not even painful compared to the hurt that I was feeling whenever it reminds me of the day that I failed to save the only person I value the most in the entire world. 


A few weeks had already passed and yet there is nothing but an empty seat beside me and that never ending questions--interrogations of my classmates. I sighed I looked at her seat. I missed her. So much. 

The teacher went inside as the vice-president stood up with a proud look on his face. "Ms. Y/L/N is still in recovering from her head injury at home. So please, I hope at least one of you will give her the notes to her classes." 

"Will do, Ms. K." Carissa shouted as she clicked her tongue cockily. The teacher nodded and started the class. 

A few hours later, lunch came in and before the girls of my class were to come to me, I pulled Carissa's arm and went to the rooftop. 

"Can you remove your arm on me?!" Carissa said as she pulled her arm away from my hand and rolled her eyes. I tried holding back my chuckle on how childish this woman seem to be. She appears to be really tough on the outside but a softie on the inside. "Stop it. I'm not a clown to be laugh at. Just tell me what you want so I can go back enjoying my lunch break."

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