VI. Han Y/N

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"I made you cry again." Those words were a surprise to you. What does he mean by 'again'? Have you cried in front of him  before? There is no way! 

"Just get out." You mumbled in a low voice. He turned towards you then looked at you with such grief in his eyes. They were widely different from the ones who ripped your shirt and almost took advantage of you. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came into me and I acted tha--"

"GET OUT!!" 

He stood up immediately and wiped his tears away. He was still standing there. Frozen. 

"Didn't you hear me!? Are you deaf!? I told you to get out of my apartment right now!!" You shouted at him as you pointed the door. He flinched at your sudden loud voice. "GET OUTTT!!!" 

He hurriedly walked towards the door and closed it with a slam that echoed your whole room. And that moment your tears began to fall yet again. You hugged your knees in fear that if he didn't stop earlier worst things could've happen. 


"HOME INVASION!?" Carissa shouted while holding on the tray in her chest. You hushed her while apologizing to the customers who were bothered by her high pitched shout. She scoffed out loud then laid the tray down the counter. "Did you see the guy? Did you report it to the police? What did you do?" You looked at her and gave her a weak smile. However, since Carissa can be a blabbermouth, you didn't tell her that it was the new student that was inside your house. 

"My mind was blank. I froze. But one thing is strange about that guy. . "

"Strange? How strange?"

"Carissa, table 3 needs you right n--"

"Don't fucking disturb me right now. My best friend just got home invaded and she almost got killed! This is a matter of life and death. You better shut up or I'll do it myself." The waiter gulped in fear then started walking towards the customer who needed help. He looked at you again and smiled as if nothing happened. "So? Continue, you said the home invader is strange."

"Very strange. He. . . He kind of changes mood at unexpected times. He was like about to kill me at first but then after a few minutes, he became so apologetic and was crying in front me. It's like he was a brand new person all over again. I'm getting goosebumps." You explained as you've never experience such situation before. 

"So do I! Girl, you should get another apartment or put some alarm on it or something. I'm worried. He sounded like the complete psychopath." She said while gesturing a stabbing motion with her hands. 

"Stop. You're not helping." 


"Here." You heard from Lee Soohyuk while he laid a house key card on the table in front of you. You closed your eyes tightly and held your fist tightly. "I heard from Carissa that you got your apartment invaded. Y/N, believed me. I tried not to be concern about you. I tried keeping out of your business but I just can't. I still l--" He said while looking at you with such longing in his eyes. You avoided his gaze knowing that if you look at him, you'll completely be sucked in again. He stood up and you walked backwards holding your breath. 

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