XXX. He's Only A Part of Me

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"Stop!" You complained while trying to squirm your way out of V's arms. You froze slightly when you felt his hand slap your butt. 

"You stop." He said with an obvious playful tone in his voice. "If you don't then you'll gonna fall on the ground."

"Just put me down already. Why did you even carried me when I could've just walked with you." He placed you down gently as he run the water in the tub. He threw some water at your face while smiling coyly. 

"Can't I be romantic for a few minutes?" He said as you shook your head looking unimpressed. 

"Nope." You said. "And besides, isn't that Jiro's job to be cringey and romantic?" Then his smile disappeared as it was replaced by his usual emotionless face. He looked at you straight in the eyes as he began walking towards you slowly. He looks so dead serious and it scares you a bit. You walked back with every step he takes forward. You reached the wall as you don't have anywhere you go. He locked you in between his arms making you look straight to him. 

"Can you try yourself not to talk about 'them' when you're with me?" He said as you saw a glimpse of a pain look in his eyes but was covered by his arrogance again. You did not say anything.His hand went towards you as he pushed some of your stray hairs on the back of your ear. You hide your smile from the simple gesture while feeling butterflies in your stomach. He leaned his head in your neck as he gave it of what you had thought would be just a peck but it turned out to be different. You felt his tongue ran on your neck with his warm breath tickling you slightly. You held your breath when he began sucking on your skin. Your heart started beating fast when you felt his teeth bit on your skin. You held on his shirt tightly feeling your knees wobbling under. He pulled away with you wanting for more. 

He smirked while looking at what he made of you. A slight curve when on the side of his lips then you looked away. "The bath's ready. Let's go together." He said as you saw him turning the faucet off and slowly stripping away the clothes that was on him. You can clearly see his built shoulders and his pecs almost making you drool in amazement. 

However, disturbing you from your daydream were his scars. It was all over his body. Especially in the chest area. You've never noticed this before when you were with him. He was about to go inside the bath when you pulled his arm making him stop and look at you. 

"What happened?" You asked him with an obvious hurt written in your face. He looked at you with a stoic expression and held on your hand. 

"It's all in the past now." You heard him say in a low tone. Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes scanned his body again. 

"WHAT!? H-how come I don't. . . I don't ---Who hurt you?" You asked stuttering in front of him as you touch his scars gently with his shaking hands. 

He did not say a word but just held your hand near him then kissed it. He looked at you with so much passion and love. He slowly removed your clothes from your body then lead you to the hot bath tub. 


You don't know how long were you with him in the bath but you didn't care. He had his arms wrapped around your waist as you felt his chin on top of your shoulder. He took a bath sponge from the side as he slowly slide it along your arms and on your back. He would sometimes kiss your shoulders that makes you stomach do a somersault. But your curiosity beat the best of you, you turned your body and look at him with a glare. 

"When are you telling me where you get all these scars." You said to him with a pout. He smiled at you as you placed your legs on the side of his legs. 

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