XVI. I Did It Again

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"So we meet again huh?" You heard Sehun said. You were just on the ground looking at the both of them.  "V."

"Thank you for the sweet welcome, dear cousin." V said in a deep hoarse voice. He titled his head looking so amused while looking at your cousin. 

He smirked at him as he clenched his fist tightly. "Since when did you became my cousin, V? I never had a killer as a cousin." He said in a dark tone. V's face changed. He looks a bit shocked, slightly offended. He clenched his jaw as he glared at your cousin in such a scary way that made your whole body shake in fear. 

"I don't think you're that clean yourself, Oh Sehun." He countered then looked at him from head to toe. You heard a scoff from Sehun then turned to you but not removing his glare on the man in front of him. "Y/N. Go inside right now." You heard him say as you slowly stood up. You were about to walk back inside your apartment when V rushed towards you with a confident smirk on his face. 

He flicked his forefinger in front of you then pulled you closer to him. "You're not going anywhere, kitten."

"Don't touch her, you psycho!!" You heard Sehun shouted behind you as a punch landed on  V's right cheek. He fell on the ground removing his grip on you. Sehun pulled you closer to him as he looked at you with such disgust. "You surround yourself with such people like him that made your life such a disgrace to our line." He said in a very dark tone. You can't recognize the man in front of you. He's different from the Sehun you know. He can be such a pest but never had it occurred to you that he's this. . . different. Crooked. 

"Sehun?" You called him. Hoping that you're gonna talk some sense to him.

"I told you to go inside the apartment, Y/N!! You're not in the right place and time to disagree with me. GO!!!" He shouted to you as he pushed you on the side. V, on the other hand, rushed towards Sehun and hit him right in the face. 

"Seems unfair that you get to punch this pretty face of mine and you won't even give me a chance." He said while heaving a huge sigh. He cracked his knuckles while walking towards Sehun who was checking his bottom lip. 

"STOP!!!" You shouted at the both of them but none of the two were listening to you. You saw V pulled Sehun collar towards him and glared at him in such anger. 

"I'm gonna kill you so you won't lay a hand on my girl anymore." He said to Sehun as the latter removed V's arms on his collar forcefully. 

"And suddenly, the killer became the hero. How impressive." Sehun said as glared at you again and motioned you to go inside the apartment. You slowly dragged yourself towards the entrance when you heard some loud grunts from behind you. You stopped. You turned behind seeing the two throwing punches at each other like there were in some kind of a match. You started to get worried on the both of them but there was nothing you can do. Your whole body was frozen and you can't just intrude in a fight where you're sure that you're gonna get hurt if you went in between. 

"YOU'RE THE FUCKING REASON WHY SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER ME!!!" You heard a shout from V as you saw him punch Sehun right on the stomach. The man grunted as he threw a punch on V's face back. "YOU'RE THE REASON WHY SHE CAN'T EVEN SEE THE ONLY PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT HIM!!!! YOU STRIPPED THAT AWAY FROM HER, YOU SICK FUCK!" 

"YOU WERE NEVER DESERVING FOR SOMEONE LIKE MY COUSIN, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" He shouted back while kicking V's stomach. V landed on the ground with a loud groan as you can't help but worry for the both of them. Sehun spit some blood off the ground then wiped the blood with the back of his head. "YOU MAKE ME SICK! YOU'RE JUST AN LOWLY ERRAND BOY AND HERE YOU ARE ACTING AS IF YOU'RE AN HEIR OF A WEALTHY FAMILY."

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" V shouted as he forced himself to stand up and rush towards Sehun. He then kicked him right on the stomach then hit face using his knees. Your cousin grunted out in pain as he fell on the ground with his face. V walked towards his car and you thought that it was all done when you saw him taking out a metal baseball bat. You gasped in shock as your breath caught in your throat. He was slowly dragging his bat on the ground creating a loud clanking sound. Sehun on the other hand was on his knees coughing out blood. Clueless about what might come to happen to him. When V was just a few meters near Sehun he lifted the bat twisted it around his hands and held it up. 

"No." You said barely in a whisper as you forced yourself to move your frozen legs. You rushed towards Sehun who was about to get hit by baseball bat. "STOP IT PLEASE, V!!!" 

You hugged Sehun as you closed your eyes tightly. You felt a hard object hit the back of your head as you eyes flung open in surprise and heard loud gasps from either side. Your vision became blurry as you saw everything was spinning. Your eyes suddenly began to get heavier and heavier as there was in an instant nothing to see but complete total darkness. 


Your body fell on the ground in a slow motion while V's grip on the baseball bat loosen and he dropped it eventually. 

"Y/N!!!" They both shouted in surprise as both of the guys rushed towards you. Sehun held your unconscious body with his hands as his glare on the man in front of him became darker. Sehun felt a warm liquid on the back of your head as he realized you were bleeding. "YOU--- ARRGGHHHH!! DON'T COME NEAR US, YOU PSYCHOPATH!!" Sehun shouted as he lifted you up rushing towards his car. V froze in his place and realized what he just did.

He saw Sehun's car driving away, passing him. His run his fingers looking so frustrated as he tried to calm himself down. "FUUUUCK!!!" He shouted out in anger as he clenched his fists tightly. 


There you go. Here's another update to make up with the whole I didn't update last week situation I had. 

I'll try and update it again cause I feel like writing now.. Quick! Before I forget what to write AHAHHA

See you on my next update


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