XXVII. Confusions

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"So you're still working in that Cafe?" You heard V asked you while you were cooking dinner in the kitchen. You're literally living in his house and your apartment must have been all dusty and smelly already.

"Yeah well, the boss is MIA and we don't even know who's handling all the transactions and inventories so the Cafe is temporarily closed for now." You said while turning off the stove and placing plates on the table.

"I see." He said as you saw him walking towards you then back hugged you.

"Let's eat." You said as he didn't even let you go and just hugged you tighter. "Any chances that you'll let me go and eat?" You asked him as he grinned slyly then lets you go.


You guys finished eating and he decided to watch a movie outside. You went out and got to the theatres in no time. The time you guys spent with each other was really fun and it seems too good to be true. This has never happened before. Never have you felt so at ease in a long time.

You looked at V who was playing in the arcade like a pro. You smiled at him and memorize each and every move he does. You love this man in front of you. You love him so much. Your eyes slowly widen as you realized something that you should have before. This man's name is not Taehyung. He's V. Then it hits you. He's not the real one but a part of his personality. He's not Kim Taehyung but just a part of him. You slowly walked towards him and called him. He looked at you with a smile on his face. V. Yes, that's him. He's not the man who you fell for. But why is it that while looking at this man standing in front of you, in the back of your mind you're wishing he's the real one? Like the real Kim Taehyung? Why is it that the more you look at him now, the more you want to forget that he is just a personality and think that he is the one who you love and not the other one?

"Let me see Taehyung now, V." You said to him as his eyes widen when you held the side of his face and looked at him in so much warmth. "Kim Taehyung, let's wake up now." You said as he gasped in shock as his head fell on your shoulder. You can't fall for another person other than the real one. That's like cheating. You held the back of his head and started stroking it gently.

In about a few minutes you felt his weight getting lighter and lighter. His head rose up from your shoulder as his face look so confused.

"Where am I?" You heard him asked. You did not say anything but just hugged him tightly. He was taken aback but hugged back eventually.


"Was I really out for a two whole months?" He asked you as you just nodded. You guys were in a Cafe and he seems to be so clueless of what have happened while he was out. You held on his face and saw his eyes. The same eyes that you had always see since you were young. You gave him a smile as you stroke his cheek with your thumb. He held on your hand that was cupping his face and closed his eyes. "I missed you."

"Me too." You said with a warm smile in your face. However, there was still a lump in your heart that does not want to admit that you're in love with the person in front of you. He took your hand that was on your cheek and held it in between his hands.

"Was I. . ?" He said with his question trailing off. You lightly squeeze his hand as he look at you in surprise.

"Yes." You said then took a deep breath. "But it's not something I couldn't handle. In fact, he took good care of me." You said while V's face flashed before your eyes. Was it V or was it Taehyung that you remembered? You shrugged the thought of V in your head as you focused on the person in front of you. "Don't worry. He did not hurt me."

"That's a relief." You heard him sigh out loud. "It's getting late. Let's get you home." He said as he stood up and so did you.

You both went in his car and a figure caught your eye but before you were to focus on the figure, it disappeared in an instant. You ignored it and looked at Taehyung. He drove you home as what you have requested. You need to at least clean your apartment before it became a garbage pit.

"Goodnight." He said while standing in front of you. Your heartbeat started beating rapidly as he pulled you closer to him. He was looking at you with so much desire as he tuck some of your loose hair strands to the back of your ear.

"Goodnight." You replied as his face slowly leaned towards you and you can already know what will happen next. You took a gulp and looked away making him kiss your cheek instead of your lips. He awkwardly pulled away and tuck his hand inside his pocket.

"I'm sorry." You said as he shook his head and looked surprise.

"No, No. It's my fault. I might have pushed you a bit too hard. You might not be in the mood-- err.. What was I saying?" He chuckled awkwardly then scratch the back of his head. "I should go." He said then cleared his throat. "See you tomorrow." He said then began to walk away. You watched him slowly walk away from where you were standing and realize what you have done.


You're a wicked person. You said while looking at your face in the mirror. You looked away afraid to look at your reflection. You held on your chest and felt your heart beat. What are you even expecting? That V is the real one instead of Ta---NO!! That's just wrong! That's fucked up. You should get it straight Y/F/N! V is only a part of Taehyung's illness. He's not real.

"But. . " You said as you slowly looked at yourself in the mirror. You were already crying. "Why does my heart is not raising when I'm with Taehyung? Why do I wish for V to take over him for the rest of his life?" You're a horrible person. You are so sure about that. How could you do that to Kim Taehyung!? The person who you should love.


"So this is where you live?" A man said wearing a black cap said as he looked at the apartment where you were living. A sly grin came to his face while observing you passing by your window. Oblivious of danger that may have come with this man looking at you from below. "You know I get what I want." He said then slightly raised his cap to see his face. He took a step to the entrance of the building as soon as he saw your lights turned off in your room.

"Lee Soohyuk always gets what he wants."


Sorry this is a really short update. It's just that I want to update as soon as I can and I hope you guys will like it :)

Taming will come soon. :)



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