IX. Remember Me?

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"Good to see you again, kitten." 

You were once again frozen in your place as you can feel your aching arm throbbing. Your eyebrows crossed in confusion as you looked at the man in front of you. Yes, he does have the same face, but such a different personality that you are seeing from the earlier one. This time this man is acting as if he wants to kill you. His glare were a bit strange that made you feel a sudden chill on the back of your neck. 

"What the fuck. . ." You said with a your voice trailing silently. It was like he's getting possessed by hundreds of ghost. 

"Yeah, I know." He said with a glare, staring straight in your eyes. He then shifted to look at your bleeding arm as one of his eyebrows rose up then tighten his jaw looking so pissed. "Who told you to fucking get hurt?"

"It was an accident. It was your fault anyway. You pushed me. Why am I even explaining myself? I need to go home! I don't need to  deal with this mental guessing game." You said then slowly stood up. You walked passed him and opened the door. He rushed towards you as he pushed the door shut with a loud sound echoing to the whole room. You jumped slightly in surprise as you look at him. 

"WHAT THE HELL!!" He didn't say anything but pulled your left arm then made you sit on the couch. He went to the cupboards and took a white container and opened it on the table in front of you. He went to you and pulled your shirt down to you shoulders revealing your bare shoulders. You quickly hugged your chest as you shout at his face. "YAHHH!!" 

He smirked at you as if he is enjoying you being caught off guard. "Either you remove it or me."

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" You said with a pissed expression on your face. "You're fucking crazy!" You said as you slapped him in the face but he was quick enough to catch your arm. You scoffed as you clenched your left hand tightly. If it wasn't for your right arm hurting you would've slapped him with your other one. 

"Call me whatever you like but, I won't ever leave you." He said with his eyes looking straight at you. And as if on cue, a lighting came out with a loud thunder coming after it. You flinched a little but was still looking straight at him. Just who the hell is this guy that you feel so many things just by looking at his eyes. "Just like what you promised." He said in barely a whisper but enough for you to hear. Then his eyes changed. It was the look of hurt. His eyebrows were furrowing and his eyes look as if it were about to cry. He stood up and threw a white paper bag at you. You opened and saw that it was a gauze with a tube of polysporin on it. You looked at him with his back was facing you. You sighed then removed his pineapple shirt off you slightly, revealing the blank tank top you had inside. It was inside your bag and you put it on you to somehow be a substitute for a bra. 

"As much as I hate the idea, I can't reach my whole arm. So you do it." You said as he looked at you. He went near you and saw him smile slightly but went back in his straight face quickly. You sigh as he began mending your cut. You flinched a little as you can feel it hurting a bit. He slowly leaned near your arm and started blowing on it carefully. 

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