XXVIII. Fear Is What Drives Him

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You were already passed asleep oblivious to the fact that danger is slowly walking towards you. Soohyuk had this wicked smile all over his face imagining what he will do once he sees you. It looks like there is nothing that could stop him from going towards you. 

You heard your phone ringing as you dragged your hand, trying to feel where you might have placed your phone. When you got a hold of it, Carissa's name flashed on the screen as you answered it with a groan. "What do you want? Do you know what time is it?" 

"Hey! Are you listening to yourself right now?! You gonna repeat the whole semester. I heard from the faculty. What the heck bro!? You're the president of the class too! What the hell happened to you?" Your friend said literally shouting at the other end of the line. You already expected that more or less. You sighed and shook your head in disbelief. Your friend can really be a blabber mouth sometimes. 

"Don't you live with your parents? Aren't they asleep already? Shut up." You said to her as you heard her clear her throat. 

"I don't care. This is a matter of life and death here." She answered back. "They'll understand." 

You heard the door creaked open as your eyebrows crossed in confusion. You were sure you locked the door before you headed to sleep. There is no way that anyone could have opened it. Unless it's Sehun. But, he's probably sleeping or out busy handling the company. "Hey, Carissa. I'll call you back." 

You hung up the phone and rose up from your bed. There were some light footsteps from outside as you felt the hairs on your back rose up. You open the door to your room slightly and peeked through the small crack that you made. You saw a tall slender figure walking around your living room then towards the kitchen. It looks oddly familiar but you can't quite grasp on who the figure was. Then it stopped. You held your breath as you gasped inwardly when he slowly turned his body towards the direction of your room. 

Then you saw his face. Your body began to tremble when you're sure on who the man walking towards your room is. Lee Soohyuk. You can hear a faint humming getting louder and louder with every step he takes closer to you. You felt your throat getting dry as you closed the door and locked it. You started scanning the whole room for things to use to fight him but there was none. You started breathing heavily as you can't help but feel scared. What do you do now? Sehun told you everything about what happened between you and Soohyuk and you're afraid that he might do even worse than what he did to you before. 

Your eyes landed on the chair not far from where you are as you put it near the door making sure that it  won't open if they turned the knob. Your hands won't stop shaking as his humming grew even louder. You saw your phone on the bed as you quickly took it and dialed Taehyung's number with shaky hands. 



 I was already asleep when I heard my phone ringing. I answered it without looking who it was. 

"Hello?" I said. Obviously sounding that I just woke up. 

"V-V?" I heard Y/N's voice as I immediately rose up from bed. Her voice sounded so scared and was speaking in an almost trembling tone. 

"Y/N?" I asked her as I can hear her heavy breathing. "What's wrong?"

"Soohyuk.  ." Her voice trailed off as I can feel the fear through her voice. "Soohyuk is here inside my apartment . .  I. .  I don't know what to do. Please. .  Help me. . ." I quickly slid off the bed with wide eyes as I wore a sweatshirt in a flash. 

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