XII. Tricia Kim

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"Y/N! Y/N! Holy fuck! Where the hell have you been!?" You heard someone said the moment you opened the door from of the classroom. Your head was a bit lightheaded but knowing that you're the president, you can't just ignore the responsibility you have for your class. Even if you're in University already. 

You sighed out loud as you saw your friend rushing towards you. You heard a loud screech of the metal chair being dragged and saw Taehyung looking at you in surprise. You shifted your gaze elsewhere looking for someone who he might have been looking. It's either you or Carissa. 

"The new kid is looking at you." You said to your friend as she glanced at the new kid and followed his stare. 

"Not me. You. You idiot." She said then crossed her arms in front of you. She rolled her eyes in front of you then snickered. You looked at her in a very puzzled way as she groaned then held your head with her hands then forced you to look at him. 

He had his eyes fixed on you. A mixture of worry and relief covered his whole face. His eyebrows were meeting at the middle of his forehead. You felt your chest clenching a bit. You started to get nervous just by looking at him. NO-- You felt more than that. Something beyond nervousness. But you can't clearly explain what you're feeling. You slowly walked towards him then poked the middle of his forehead. 

"Feels like your getting a unibrow soon." You said to him as he looked at you in surprise. You smirked a little and pat his head. "Carissa, what did I miss? I need your notes."

"Did you eat yet?" You asked as you placed your bag in your desk. 

"Not yet, I was really worried about you." You heard him say. You turned towards Taehyung and rolled your eyes on him. "Are you okay?" He asked in a very concerned tone. You felt your heart raised a little but you ignored it. 

"Not you. My friend." You snickered then looked at him. "Hey Kim Taehyung. Stop assuming things just because I spend time with you for a few days." You said with a frown on your face. You heard him gasped as he sat on his seat without saying any word again. You motioned Carissa to go near you as she made her way to you.

"What's up?" She asked. 

"Your notes. I need it." You said while sticking out your hand. You heard Kim Taehyung's loud laugh. 

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now? What are you now? God? Just because my brother kissed you doesn't mean you need to play the I-don't-know-how-to-act-in-front-of-you card." You heard someone said in the most sassy voice you've ever heard. You slowly turned your head to look on your side and saw Kim Taehyung with his arms crossed, head titled and one eyebrow rose up. 

"WAIT WHAT? Brother? K-kiss!?" You heard Carissa said in surprise. Thankfully, there was only you three inside the classroom to see his change of attitude again. 

"Taehyung?" You asked as he scoffed then rolled his eyes in front of you. 

"Tae-oppa left, cause he's not used to dealing with these kind of bullshit." He said as you heard Carissa gasped in shock. She kept on muttering 'what the actual fuck!?' over and over again. You had to slap her mouth to make her stop. 

"And when you say bullshit, you mean. . ?"

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