XXI. I'm In Charge

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To my pretty reader. SSY will heed to your request. *gives you a kiss*


You wrapped his legs around his waist as you felt your whole body slowly heating up. But it wasn't like those times where you feel like there is a fever coming up. It made your heart pound inside your chest rapidly. Just like you don't want to stop it. He started giving you kisses to your jaw down to your neck and felt him suck your nape as your hands went on the back of his head holding his hair tightly. Your body arched as you pushed your neck towards him even more. Your legs wrapped around his waist tightened as you felt his hands slowly removing your clothes. You felt a hard bulge pushing towards you as you realized what it is.

"Y/N. . I. . " He said in rather a deep husky voice. He lifted his head up looked at your eyes with so much desire and thirst. He was breathing hard while giving one of your breast a light squeeze. You shut your eyes tightly feeling his warm hand cupping your whole size. "Want you." He whispered near your ear that made your heart beat faster than it was before. "Please say you want me too."

You felt his teeth pierced gently in your ear. No words left your mouth but just heavy breathing and moans. Your hands cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. Your fingers gently run through his hair as your fingers grazed his scar. Taehyung gasped inside your mouth as his kisses stopped. A few seconds of him stopping, you felt a smirk on placed against his lips. He pulled slightly away from you to look at your face. "Nice timing for me to show up, isn't it? Kitten." He said as he held your waist and pulled you up and lifted you. Your hands leaned on his shoulder as he placed his lips on yours again. You felt him walking towards his room as he kicked the door open without removing his lips on you.

He toss you right on the bed as you held your breath when you saw a brand new different face on him. He had an arrogant smirk placed on his face as he slowly walked towards you. You propped you elbows up to get a better view when you saw him pulled his shirt up, taking it off his body. He threw it behind him. Not caring on where it would land.

"T-Tae--" You couldn't complete what you were gonna say when he swiftly looked at you straight in the eyes. You held your breath as he gently cupped your face then pulled you in a one deep hot kiss. The kiss that was totally different from what you had earlier. This one is more skillfully done. Like an expert knew how to stir you up good. He pulled away slightly as you took this chance to catch your breath.

"Tell me again, who are you looking at right now." He said in a rough voice hearing some gentle pants from him. You were sucked in his eyes that you couldn't help yourself but stare at him for the longest time.

"V. . " You said barely in a whisper. You saw him smirk as he pushed you down the bed. He pinned both your hands above your head as he licked his lips staring at you like hungry beast. You took a gulp as your heart started raising inside your chest.

He leaned towards you and took your lips in his while his hands slowly roamed your body. He gave your breast a squeeze as you moaned inside his mouth giving him the chance insert his lips. Your toes curled up as you can feel his warm tongue exploring your mouth expertly. You then felt his finger sliding through the strap of your dress as he pulled it down in swift motion, exposing your black lace bra. He pulled himself away from you as you felt a sudden emptiness. You saw him bitting on his lower lip looking at your bra.

"Fuck." He cursed under his breath. He licked his fingers then unexpectedly inserted two fingers inside your hole. Your breath caught inside your throat as your body arched in pleasure. You felt his warms fingers moving in and out of your hole as fast as it can. He leaned near your ear as whispered something. "I know your body too well, Y/N. I can make you cum just with this fingers of mine." He said as he began scissoring his fingers inside you. Your stomach tightened a bit as you bit your bottom lip holding back your moan that you don't want him to hear. You shut your eyes tight as his grip on your hands loosened and it unclasped your bra, tossing it on the floor. Your hands went at the back of his neck, holding on his hair for dear life. You felt your whole body heating up as your insides tightened at bit reaching your climax with a loud moan that you couldn't help but release out loud.

V removed his fingers inside you, licking them dry.

"Screw foreplay. I can't wait." He said licking his lips then pulled your dress off your body and so is your panties. You saw him unbuckling his belt then pulling his pants off his legs. An obvious bulge appeared in front of your eyes as it sprung free when he removed his boxers off him. He looked at you with gentle eyes as if asking you for your response on what he is about to do. You pulled his face near you and gave him a kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip. Something in his eyes changed as you felt him insert his whole being inside you. Your body arched as you bit on his lip a bit too much and tasted a salty metallic-like taste inside your mouth as you realized his lip was bleeding. You were about to apologize when he started moving in and out of you in a fast pace as your whole body tighten, arching your back feeling the pleasure of him inside you like you never want it to end.

You moaned out loud everytime he hits a certain from inside you as your hands wrapped around his hair tightened. He then flipped your body, making you face the bed as you were on your hands and knees. He held on your waist as he thrust you harder than it was before.

"Ah. . fuck." He said in a hoarse voice. You felt his weight on your back as his hands tightened on your waist slamming you in him harder. You couldn't help your moans inside and you just let it all out, screaming his name over and over again.

You felt yourself almost cumming as he pulled out of you then flipped you again. He left you hanging as the cum that you were expecting disappered. You saw a cunning smirk on him as run his tongue on your sex, tasting the juices coming out of you.

"Don't think about coming that fast cause I have so much to do with you tonight. You won't have time to sleep, kitten." He said with a smirk never leaving his face.

"Get ready."



Thank goodness. I got to update this. Sorry to everyone who have waited for this update for a long time. It might not be that good though but I hope it did make your panties a bit wet. LOL.

I was so busy with work that I'm so surprise I had time to write a smut chapter with my plate being so full.

Anyways, I'll try and update again so I don't need to worry about making you wait for a long time again.

As always,

See you on my next update


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