XXVI. Seeing Him

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You wake up feeling a massive headache in your head and the urge to throw up. You hurriedly rose up from the bed and looked for the washroom.

You opened a door right next to the bed and headed towards the toilet. There you threw it all up. Your throat was getting dry as you can feel your head starting to get lightheaded. You felt somebody held your hair back as you continued throwing everything up. You flushed the things on the toilet and took a deep breath.

"Feeling any better?" You heard someone asked as you saw a tissue on your side. You took it without any hesitations and wiped your mouth with it.

"No, I feel like shit." You said as you threw the tissue to the garbage can near the toilet and slowly stood up. You scanned the whole bathroom and you are so sure this is not your washroom. "Where am I?" You asked in surprise as you turned to your side and saw Sehun in his suit and tie looking so worn out. "Oh Sehun!?"

"Oh so now you remember me?" Sehun said as you felt a sudden pain near your right hand. You looked at it and it was bleeding a bit. It wasn't that much but you can still see it.

"Where am I?" You asked ignoring his sudden question. You walked out of the washroom as what you saw answered your question. You were in a hospital and the cut that was in your hand was from forcefully removing the IV stuck inside your hand. "Why am I here?"

"You don't remember anything do you?" He said as you walked near the bed and sat on it.

Your eyebrows knitted. The last thing you can remember was you were with Soohyuk and that asshole injected something in your neck.

"No." You said weakly, slowly shaking your head.

"Do you know what you did!? You got fucking drug and you were almost on your way to Italy with that motherfucker, Lee Soohyuk and you don't seem a bit curious about anything." He shouted at you looking so disappointed. Flashes of memories came back to you as your head started throbbing in pain. "He drugged you and you don't recall not even the slightest memory?"

You shook your head as more came inside your head as a particular scene caught your eye. It was you holding a gun pointed at Taehyung's back and you shot him without thinking twice.

"YOU FUCKING SHOT KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!" You heard Sehun shouted as your eyes grew wide and you stood up. Your tears were threatening to fall and look at the door. You started walking towards it but fell on the ground.

"I need to see him." You said as you felt Sehun hold your shoulders.

"There isn't anything you can do right now." He said as he pulled you into a hug. "You did it because your head was clouded and you only follow that asshole's orders. You need to rest for now and worry about Taehyung later."

"NO!!!" You said as you struggled in Sehun's grasp. "I need to see if he's okay. I need to know if he's still alive. I need to . . ." Then your vision went black as your head fell on Sehun's chest.


You woke up in the middle of the night looking for the lights. You opened the lights and saw no one inside. The sudden thought of Taehyung came inside you again. You held on your IV as you dragged yourself out of the room.

"Lady Han." You heard someone said as two guards were on either side of your room. You recognize them as your dad's personal body guards. You gave them a smile as they bowed in response. "President Oh said you are not allowed to step out of the room without his permission." One of them said as you frowned at what he said.

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