XIV. Memories

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"I love you too, Y/N."

You heard him say with such a warm smile placed against his face. You gulped a little and your eyes widen slowly. What did you just say!? More importantly, did he just reply to you? You stood up quickly and saw him squatted in front of you. He slowly rose up as you leaned over on the other side shutting your eyes in embarrassment.

"Y/N." He called you as you felt his hand squeeze yours. You quickly pulled your hand away as you shifted your gaze elsewhere.

"I-I. . I " You stuttered. "I thought I was dreaming. I'm so sorry. I-I need to go." You said as you walked passed him and was about to leave the room when he said something that surprised you.

"Are you sure you're dreaming?" Your eyebrows knitted as you slowly turned your head towards him. He was looking at you in a very serious. He started walking towards you and you can't do anything but stand there like a damn post. "How are you so sure that it's not memories but dreams?" He said while touching your right cheek. You pushed his hand away gently as you began to shake. Uhhh, because my doctor says so?

"If you have DID then I- I. . I'm sick too you know!" You shouted back at him. "You wanna know my secret?" You said as your hand continued to shake on the side as you took all the courage left in your body.

"I have hypnagogia."

His eyebrows furrowed then you heard him scoffed looking so unconvinced.

"The fuck is that?" He asked sounding so confused.

"I have hallucinations even when I am awake. I got it from the trauma about a few years ago." His face changed as if he knows what you're going to. He look so concerned and sad while looking at you. "Those hallucinations can be very vivid and so sometimes, I can't even recognize what is reality and not."

He shook his head in disbelief. He walked towards you then held your arm, pulling you closer to him. "I know this is all so sudden," He started as you can't help but look at him. "but that sickness of yours. . "

"Wha- What about it?"

"It's all bullshit!" He said as your eyes grew wide. For a split second, you can see him looking so pissed but then went back to a very calmed and stoic face. "You want to know what you are experiencing right now?" You heard him say as he pulled your closer to him with his other hand on your back. His grip on your arm tightened and you can't help but look at him.

"Those are your memories. Real and existing memories." He said with a very stern face placed in his face. The way he looks at you is so familiar and how he is holding your arm never felt strange. "Y/N, please. It's about time to remember me." He said looking as if he's about to cry. He then placed his lips on the back of your hand looking so hurt.

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