XL. Coward

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"Such a pretty night don't you think?" A voice came behind Jungkook while he was on the balcony of their house. He looked behind him and appeared was the young woman who was with V's girlfriend. She had that confident smile of hers which Jungkook find really attractive. He nodded in response. Carissa went near Jungkook who was already done eating a long time ago. "You don't speak a lot don't you?"

He nodded again.

"'So different from you' is what you were thinking inside your head right now, isn't it?" Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise as he covered half of his face with the back of his hand and nodded again. Carissa smiled. "What were you doing at this chilly night anyway? Shouldn't you go inside where it's rather warmer?" She asked him while glancing to look at his expression. He did not say anything and just showed a camera that was on the table. "Oh, so you're about that photography life I see." She said while rubbing her chin looking so intrigued. Jungkook behind taking pictures of the night sky as Carissa furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "How can you take a picture if it's too dark?"

He placed his eyes on the eyepiece then positioned it to capture the starlit sky. The shutter sound came out as Jungkook looked at the screen and checked if it's good enough. He leaned near Carissa and showed her the picture that he just took. Her eyes looked so amazed on how beautiful the photo came out to be. "Darkness is my specialty." Jungkook said near Carissa's ear. Almost a whisper. Carissa gasped inwardly as she can feel her cheeks burning up. She looked away as she can still feel that tickling sensation from Jungkook's whisper.

She distanced herself while heaving a huge sigh. She then looked at him again and motioned him to continue what he was doing. "Just pretend I'm not here." She said then rested her chin on her palms while leaning at the ledge of the balcony. The gust of wind and the shutter sounds of Jungkook's camera was all that is echoing in her ears right now. It felt her more at ease. She slowly closed her eyes and felt the cold wind hitting her skin.

"So beautiful." She heard Jungkook said so gently, as a shutter came after. She opened her eyes and looked at where Jungkook was. He was staring at Carissa while holding the camera near his chest. His eyes never felt strange but it almost felt so affectionate. She gave him a smile as she slowly walked towards him never breaking that eye contact. She then snatched the camera off Jungkook and saw what he was taking a picture of. No, who he was taking a picture of. She held her smile as she walked pass him and placed the camera on the table. "So, I'm the one you're calling beautiful, huh?"

Jungkook cleared his throat awkwardly as Carissa turned to look at him again. He was caught off guard. His face says it all. And Carissa enjoys every bit of it. She walked towards him again and this time stopped just inches away from him. She then put both her hands on Jungkook's shoulder as she went tiptoes and slowly placed her lips on his. Jungkook slightly gasped in surprise but slowly closed his eyes feeling the soft lips of the woman she had called Beautiful. Carissa's eyes flung open the moment she realized how stupid that act was. She then pushed Jungkook away from as the man was left with a sudden urge of wanting more from her.

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