X. Hypnagogic Hallucinations

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You woke up with a bright light blinding you. You opened your eyes and saw a familiar face sleeping just in front of you. Kim Taehyung. Your smile crept on your face while you look at him. You cautiously rose up from the bed and felt your hand being held back. You leaned back and look at him. He was holding your hand as he brought it near his face even more.

You slowly pulled your hand away and walked slowly away from the bed. You were about to leave the room when you realize how he was sleeping. He could have gotten sick if it was really cold last night. You sighed then pulled your blanket and put it on Taehyung. You smiled then headed outside of the room.

You headed towards the kitchen and then started looking for food to cook. You saw a pancake mix and some eggs on the fridge. You began cooking and laid out two plates on the table. You were almost done cooking and was just checking if the eggs are done when you heard a low raspy chuckle.

"Y/N?" You heard someone calling your name. You turned around and saw Taehyung with scrunching up his eyes with his finger. He looks like a little boy who just woke up from his sleep.

"Let's eat. We still have to go to school." You said as you pulled a chair for him. "And I need to go home."

He nodded then headed towards the table. He was stretching his neck and was looking so uncomfortable.

"What happened to you?" You asked while looking at him.

"My neck hurts from sleeping like that." He said while massaging his nape as you rolled your eyes on him while pouring some syrup on his pancake.

"It's not my problem you slept on the edge of the bed." You said as you heard him snicker.

"I was being considerate for you who is a scaredy cat to thunder and lightning." He said as you choke on the eggs that you were eating.

"Thanks a lot, Kim Taehyung." You said as his eyes widen in surprise.

"How do you know it's me?" He asked while putting his utensils down. He looked at you seriously as if trying to read your mind. You looked at him the same serious expression that he had on. You did not say anything but just continued eating. The whole breakfast table became really quiet and awkward but it didn't bother you at all. You were done first and took your dirty dishes on the sink. You started washing them as you heard Taehyung's loud sigh from behind you. "It's funny how people react differently every time they know what kind of person I am." You turn off the tap water then wiped your hands dry. You turned to look at him while folding your arms around your chest.

"What are you then, Kim Taehyung?" You asked in a very serious tone. A tone that sounded so dark and cold. He stood up from where he was seated and looked at you. You were waiting for him to say anything but all you get was a low chuckle as he turned away from you. You shook your head in annoyance then walked in front of him. You extended your arms slowly then pat his head gently. You looked at him and he was looking at you in a very shocked expression. "It's hard to say it right? Don't worry. You don't have to say it to me when I know you're not ready to say it." You gave him a warm smile as a tear fell on his eyes. You took your hand away from his head as your hand automatically wiped the tear on his face.

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