XVII. I'm Scared

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Sehun was holding you in his arms while rushing towards the entrance of the Emergency room. V followed just meters away from his car and parked it where Sehun won't see it.

The doctors rushed to Sehun's side placing you in the bed. "What happened to her?" The doctor asked Sehun who was looking at you with so much worry. The nurse nudge Sehun as he came to his senses. 

"I-I uh, She. . . Somebody hit her with a metal baseball bat." Sehun said stuttering while the doctor was checking her head. His hands won't stop shaking while it was covered with blood. 

"Move her to the OR, before she looses more blood than she already has right now." The doctor said as the pushed her towards the operating room. Sehun was stopped just in front of the entrance. He was pacing back and forth as he heard some footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw the last person he wants to see. V. 

"YOU." Sehun said while gritting his teeth. "You're not welcome here." He said then walked near him. V on the other hand paid less attention to him and just looked at the door. 

"Listen here, V." Sehun said walking towards his side. "You need to fucking disappear." 

"Sehun, that won't happen anymore." He said while turning to his side. "Now that she needed protection."

"Protection?! PROTECTION!? You know what she needs, V? She needs protection against you! You're the reason why she's hurt right now! You had her perfectly at the palm of your motherfucking hands." Sehun said in anger as he pushed V. The latter did not do anything but think of what might be going on inside the operating room. "You fucking should have stayed dead when Uncle gave you that opportunity, you sick motherfucker." 

V smirked then slowly looked at Sehun. 

"Oh really?" He said then titled his head slightly. "You think that Uncle of yours knows that her daughter feels so suffocated inside that huge mansion of theirs, huh?" He said while walking near him as Sehun walked backwards slowly. "Does he know how much hurt she was feeling when she's treated lower than their pet dog inside that mansion? Do YOU even know how scared she is to go home cause that great Uncle of yours beats her? Huh? Oh Sehun?DOES HE!?"

Sehun shifted his gaze elsewhere looking annoyed. 

"Like you're the one to talk. You were never a good boyfriend to my cousin anyway."

"Cousin. Cousin. COUSIN!" V shouted as he pushed Sehun on the cold white wall of the hospital. "You know that's all you'll be, Sehun. Her cousin." V said with a glare on him. "That's you'll ever gonna be. His damn cousin. And you know she will not look at you the way she looks at me." Sehun looked away and did not say anything. V held a triumphant smirk on his face while fixing his collar a bit. "Fix yourself up, young master. You don't look so proper in that worn out shirt of yours. After all," He said then began walking away from the operating room. 

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