XXXIX. Torture

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The boys were all running along the hallway as Seven were leading them to where Sehun is hiding Y/N and Carissa. V's face was already in an unreadable expression, similar to Jungkook's. The latter scanned the whole hallway trying his best to anticipate a surprise attack that may come their way. 

Hope explained what had been the reason why Seven changed so drastically and it was already cleared to their minds that Sehun is the one who they all need to kill. Mark also explained that Bam Bam, Yugyeom and Yongjae's family were on the line so they had no choice but to fight them. 

The boys stopped when they met the end of the hallway. It was a series of stairs heading downstairs. Jungkook's face turned darker as he clenched his fist in anger.

"They're down there." Jackson said with a straight face. All of them were stunned. No one were saying knowing what is down there. Their faces turned grim. 

"Isn't that. . ?" Jimin asked with an obvious anger in his tone of voice. He looked down the dark stairs while tightly gripping on his gun. Jackson nodded. 

"That's The Association's Torture Chamber." 


You were salivating pretty hard. You were breathing hard as you can feel your muscles tensing up and has this distinct burning feeling. Your vision starts to get blurry. You squinted your eyes tightly, trying your best to focus on what's in front of you. When you told Sehun to properly fry your brains you didn't even expect it to be real. You started screaming out in pain as you can feel yet another jolt of electric travelling through your body. Then you lost consciousness. 

The moment you open your eyes again you were in a different room. There were no leather belts restricting you to move, only ropes tied around your wrists while you are seated. You were in an empty run down room with only a single bulb lighting the whole place. You saw the door opened as Sehun came in with an annoyed face. 

"Cousin." He called you. You rolled your eyes on him. Just his voice makes you want to throw up in disgust. "Just sign the damn papers. And no one get hurt." He said. 

"Fuck you, Oh Sehun! I'm already hurt if it's not too obvious." You shouted back at him as he smirked in response. He shrugged as he dragged a chair in front of you then looked at you with a smile. You looked away. He pulled your chin to make you look at him directly. 

"Sign it, Y/N. And no one gets hurt." Sehun said while stroking your chin with his thumb. You didn't say anything. He titled his head trying to look for your eyes. "Fine." He said standing up as he looked behind you and signaled someone. The door opened from behind you as you heard a familiar voice from behind you. You recognized the voice as Carissa's.

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