XLIII. Taming Kim Taehyung

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Your tears failed to stopped as you felt Taehyung's weight on your shoulder. His whole body was covered with blood. Scenes of what happened from before flashed inside your head and learned the reason why he sometimes comes to you covered in blood from head to toe. He's in such pain and you had failed to even see that. You know that he's ashamed of what he has become ever since you left. He's scared of what might happen after all this. You hugged him tighter as you placed a kiss on his temple. You heard him gasped in surprise as he cried harder than before 

"It's not your fault." You said to him as you pulled away slightly looking at his face. He looks like a mess. You wiped his tears as they continued rolling down his cheeks. "You just need some healing that's all." You gave him a bitter a smile as he pulled you again in his arms. 

". . . don't need. . . healing if Y/N won't be there." He said in between his cries. "Arwan. . . doesn't need. . . the world, Arwan just needs. . . Y/N. ." You heart sunk at what he said as you can't help but cry calling out his name, Arwan.

The sirens of the ambulance echoed in your head as your vision began to get blurry. The last thing you remembered was your father rushing to your side with great concern written on his face. 


Few days before. . .

"Jiro, I need to ask you one more thing." You called out to Jiro who was grabbing another cup of tea. He turned slightly behind him then nod. "What happens when I suppress V's personality?" You heard him sigh as he slowly turned to you while holding his tea near on his hand. He took a sip then looked at you in a serious manner which taken you aback for a second. 

"Suppress in a manner where a personality lost its purpose?" You nodded slowly. "Then they disappear. And two things will either happen to V. That particular personality of his will be replaced by someone else or he gets cured." 

"For Arwan's case, since he has always been trying to dominate half of us, he'll be replaced by another personality. If Arwan's the murderous personality then isn't it fair for him to be replaced by a suicidal personality?"


"Y/N? Y/N?" You heard slur voices calling you. You squeezed your eyes trying to adjust your blurred vision. The whole place blinded you for a few seconds. You scanned the room and realized you're in the hospital. You groaned in pain feeling your whole body throbbing. A flash of the scene with Arwan popped inside your head as you were about to leave your bed when someone stopped you. 

"Y/N. You can't yet. You've broken so many bones." You heard someone said beside you. You turned your side and saw  your father looking at you in worry. 

"What are you doing in here?" You asked him with a slight annoyance in his voice. You distanced yourself from him then leaned back on your bed. 

"One of the boys called me before they started going inside the Association and told me what had happened. I did not know Sehun would go this far just to take control of the company." He heaved a sigh as he sat near my side. He gently pat my head with a warm on his face. "I'm sorry I failed to notice that right away. Sehun is like a son to me, it did not occur to me that he'll go to that extent. Forgive me, Y/N. I'm sorry your father was useless." He started crying the moment he held your hand near his face. You looked at him with so much warmth and love. That's your dad right there. Not the tyrant that you had come to hate. This man in front of you, crying. This is your father. The one you looked up to when you were young. "If you died, then I don't have anyone. I kept on praying that your mother won't take you away from me. I have so much to tell you. I haven't even told you how proud I am on what you had became in the years that I haven't seen you." 

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