XIX. Lies

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You were looking at the both of them as if trying to figure out what they're talking inside their heads. 

"No," Taehyung said finally breaking the silence. "I came to visit Y/N, sir" He added while glancing at me. I gave him a smile as I looked at Hughes who look stunned. He gasped in surprise as he looked away for a few minutes then looked at Taehyung again.

"Are you okay? Uncle Hughes?" You asked as he cleared his throat. 

"My apologies, Master Kim." He said while bowing politely. He looked surprise as if this was the first time he saw Taehyung in person. "Perhaps some drinks?"

"No, he won't have any. I called him earlier actually to he will drive me home." You look at him desperately as he nodded and smile at you. 

"Yes. Th-That's why I'm here." He said as you wrapped your arms around his and walked away. 

"But the master sa--"

"I don't care what President said or told you but from what I know the thin line of our relationship has already been severed years ago. So you better step away and not intrude cause this is my life and I will take whatever path I want. So please. John. Don't try and stop me."  You said as you pulled Taehyung away from the mansion and look at Hugh for the last time. He was smiling. The smile that you have never seen before. The smile that looks so proud at you. 


Taehyung started driving away from the mansion and you saw the garden your mom use to take care of when she was alive.

"Taehyung, can you turn right? I just want to say hi to my mom before I go." You said as he gave you a warm smile and turned around. You guys were on the lake after a few minutes and you saw the pavillion covered with flowers. The same flowers that your mother had always love. You began walking towards the pavillion as your tears slowly began to fall. Memories of her flooded your head as her voices kept on whispering your ears. Of course you miss your mom but all you can do now is show that you're someone that she can be proud of. 

Taehyung looked at you from the distance as he smiled to himself. He just want to give you the time that you need for yourself. 

A few minutes, or maybe hours, you finally left the lake and Taehyung started driving you home. Taehyung parked his car at the entrance of your apartment and was about to leave when you saw Sehun heading inside. You froze and looked at Taehyung. 

"I'm going inside." You said to him as you were about to open the car door when he locked it and you were struggling to open the locked door. His eyes followed Sehun going inside your apartment. He turned the car around without even sparing a glance at you.

"No you're not." He said to you in a stern tone. He was about to move when you unlocked the door and opened it. "WHAT THE HELL!!" Taehyung shouted as he saw you going out of the car even when it's moving. He immediately stopped and you got out quickly. You rushed to the entrance and caught up with Sehun in no time. 

"OH SEHUN!" You called him as he was holding a plastic bag in his hands. He turned around and was so surprise to see you. 

"Y/N?!" He said. You rushed towards him and slapped him in the face. The plastic bag that he was holding fell on the floor and the insides scattered all over the floor. "What is wrong with you!?" He shouted as flashed a glare at you. 

"What is wrong with me?" You said as you raised one of your eyebrow. "What is wrong with YOU? Why didn't you tell me about Taehyung?! Why do you have to lie and make me go to that stupid psychiatrist for 5 damn years!?" You can't help but cry as you wiped them with the back of your hand. 

"Y/N. ." He called you softly. "H-How did you know about this?" He said as he leaned behind you and his face changed. "Was it you? Huh? V?" He asked with a glare heading directly towards the man behind you. There was no response. You pushed Sehun's shoulder as hard as you can as he flinched a little. 

"Why?" You asked. "WHY?!"

"I'm sorry." He said finally with his head hanging low. "It was the only way." 

"Only way for what exactly!? You know if you weren't this secretive then we wouldn't have this conversation and I wouldn't hate you as much as I am right now. Why did you do this to me, Oh Sehun?! Why did you make me forget about him?!"

"IT WASN'T ONLY ME WHO WANTS IT!!" He shouted back at you as he held both your arms with his hands. "YOU AND THAT JERK WANT IT TOO!!" You froze a bit. Your eyebrow furrowed as you look at him confusion. 

"What do you mean. .  me and him want it?" You said slowly turning your head in to look at Taehyung. He had an unreadable expression in his face. 

"I thought you remembered everything already? It wasn't my call. It was the both of you who decided that and I'm just following what I had promised." He said from behind you. You heard the elevator dings and saw Sehun walking inside it. "If you want to clear all your messed up memories then you better talk to that jerk instead of me. The fucking jerk who lied to you for almost 5 yea--NO! since you met him." He said with an annoyed smirk on his face as the elevator slowly closed. Your eyes were glued to the man in front of you. 

"What does he mean by that, Kim Taehyung?" You asked. "Are my memories really true or was it just a figment of my imagination? Is really true that you've lied to me since the first time we met?" He didn't say anything and just walked towards you. He then hugged you all of a sudden. Your eyes widen as you tried and pulled away from him. 

"That rainy day. . " He said in a slow hoarse voice. He gently pulled away from the hug and looked at your eyes with his eyebrows furrowing.

"It wasn't the first time I've met you."


Finally! After such a busy week. I get to update this FF.

Anyways, I'll update soon so stay tuned. 

As I had told you before, I don't want you guys waiting for what is gonna happen. :)

See you on my next update


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