IV. Mine

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"My name is . . . V" 

You were frozen in your place. No words can even describe how much fear and tension is consuming you whole. He has the same face as the innocent guy you were touring with earlier but his actions are different. Very different. Like he's a brand new person with the same body. 

He looked at your face as if examining you like a rare specimen. 

"V-V. . ?" You said in a very careful voice. He smirked at you then leaned towards your shoulder while placing his nose on the side of your neck. He began inhaling your scent as you can feel his warm breath blowing on your nape. You flinched a bit at the contact which he liked as you can feel his lips curving into a smile.

"Say my name again, kitten." You took a gulp as you heard his low faint voice whispering in your ear. You then felt his teeth nibbling the tip of your ear as just that action made your stomach tightened in a weird way. 

"Say it." He repeated. This time there was dominance in his voice. You did not say anything nor do anything. In your mind you were trying to figure out just what the hell are you doing to yourself just allowing all these things to happened to you. 

"What a bad kitty." He said as you felt his mouth touched the side of your jawline going down to your collarbone. It made you feel a weird sensation in your stomach that partially made you feel good. "Not following his master's orders." 

He got to your sweet spot and sucked on it like a lollipop then bit on it hard. Your body arched in pleasure as your mind was telling you this is all wrong but your body is doing the opposite. Your hands unknowingly went on the back of his head and tightly gripped on it. You've never felt this feeling before. But you're sure as hell you don't want it to end.

"What's my name, kitten. Say my name."

His fingers slowly traced the strap of your bra and unclasped it effortlessly. You felt a sudden coldness went to your body as you saw him throwing your bra behind him. He run his fingers in between your chest as if teasing you. Your eyebrows furrowed as your brain realized this is all wrong. You should stop what he's doing to you. You gasped in surprise when his warm hands started squeezing one of your breast. Your eyes closed tightly feeling your muscles tensing up. It was a weird feeling which made your head go blank. It made all your doubts about him dissolve with just this brand new experience. 

Your body arched a bit with your hands tightening feeling your nails digging in your palms. He began flicking your nipples as he leaned near your shoulder.

"Yes, give me that reaction. Show me more of that pleasured face of yours, kitten." He said in a whisper which made your heart pound inside your chest. He leaned back and look at your face with almost all the desires he have in his body. He started kneading your breast gently. You bit your lower lip titling your head on the side with your eyes still tightly shut. It was making you go crazy. It was a feeling that you've never had before that you never want to end. 

He was about to lean in for a kiss when his phone suddenly ring. Your sanity went back to you as you open your eyes widely. You looked at him and realize he was hovering on top of you with a serious face plastered all over his face. 

"Yes," He said in reply with the one he's talking on the phone. He looked at you then smirked. "But, I'm a little bit busy right now." You looked away and felt him squeezed your breast all of a sudden. You let out a loud whimper which made him lick his lips in pleasure. 

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Words can't even describe on how he can make you surrender to him so easily. How he does it is so amazing. He sighed out loud with his head hanging low. Even his sighs make you feel a weird sensation in your body it's weird.

"Okay. I understand." He said then hung up the phone. He looked at you then smirk. He slowly run his fingers through your legs then stopped just at the waistband of your panties then slowly slid it off you gently. Your eyebrows furrowed as you felt his hand cupping your sex. Your body arched a bit as you tightly closed your eyes. You heard a whine from him as you opened your eyes and looked at him. He removed his hands on yours but replaced it with his finger. He slowly touched your opening running his finger upwards. You felt your stomach tensed up a little as you look at him with so much desire that he smiled victoriously. He removed his finger on your sex and stared at it. "Fuck, you're already wet. As much as I want to eat you right here right now, I won't. I'll make you beg for it." He said as he smirked then placed his finger inside his mouth and sucked on it. 

He stood up and held on your panties. You rose a little and leaned to your arms for balance. Your eyes followed his every action. He stretched his head from left to right then never leaving his stare on you. "I'll keep this as my lucky charm." He said while sniffing on your panties that he was holding. Your eyes widen as you rushed towards his side reaching for your panties but he was fast enough to hide it on his pocket. He bend his upper body to lower his face to your eye level. He then pat your head with a mocking smile on his face. 

"I'll see you later tonight, kitten." He said as he walked away from you while waving his hand not looking behind. 

You blinked to yourself as you finally hit reality. 

What the fuck did he just do!? And more importantly, why the fuck did you not stop him!?


Yes, I finally updated this. To all who have missed my FF. Here I am again back from my vacation and will be updating this FF as much as I can. :))

Hope you didn't wait for long. Anyway, so yeah as always. 

See you on my next update!


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